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发布时间:2018-07-31 14:23
[Abstract]:As an interdisciplinary approach to discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis (CDA) is widely used in social discourse analysis, especially in news discourse analysis. As a kind of public discourse, news discourse should be objective and fair, but they are always influenced by the attitude and ideology of the news reporter. Critical discourse analysis tries to reveal the influence of ideology and ideology on the formation of discourse by analyzing the linguistic characteristics and the social and historical background of their formation. Based on the three dimensional model of Falcrow and the systematic functional grammar of Halliday, this study aims to analyze the critical discourse of news reports selected from China Daily and the New York Times. This study attempts to answer the following three questions: (1) is the South China Sea dispute reported by the China Daily and the New York Times fair and objective? If not, how is ideology embedded? (2) how does the language skills in selected news texts reflect ideology? (3) how to explain the ideological differences reflected in the two newspapers? The author will carry out the analysis from three levels by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. At the text level, this study analyzes the linguistic characteristics of the selected news discourse from the aspects of lexical choice, transitivity and modality. At the level of discourse practice, the present study explores the process of news discourse generation through the study of news sources and reporting methods. In terms of social practice, by analyzing the broader context of China and the United States, including institutional, environmental and socio-cultural contexts, The present study attempts to explain the choice and ideology of the selected news discourse at the Chinese and discourse levels. Based on the detailed analysis of the selected news discourses, it is found that ideology is embedded in the news reports of China Daily and the New York Times on the South China Sea dispute. The authors of the two newspapers embed their ideology into selected news texts through multiple linguistic techniques. In terms of lexical choice, the reporters of the two newspapers used different words and expressions to depict the same country. In the physical system, the process of choosing and the participants depend on the ideology of the reporter and the interest group they represent. The choice of modal verbs can also convey the reporter's judgment and attitude towards the South China Sea dispute. In addition, the choice of source and how to paraphrase other people's words depend on the reporter's purpose and ideological orientation. The ideological differences between the two newspapers can be explained in the broader sociocultural context. They are all manipulated to serve the purposes and political positions of their respective countries. Through the above analysis, the present study further confirms that news discourse is not absolutely objective, and hopes that this study can contribute to the critical discourse analysis of news discourse. And enhance readers' critical reading awareness so that they will not be influenced or even misled by the ideology hidden in news discourse.


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