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发布时间:2018-08-02 08:58
【摘要】:本次笔者的翻译实践报告基于《晋国廉政故事》的译文,节选了其中和谐篇、修身篇、廉洁篇中的5个历史故事,深入挖掘了春秋时期晋国(今山西省临汾市侯马)的历史和地域文化。该文本负载了大量的背景信息,因此在翻译时,若一味直译,势必给目标语读者带来理解障碍。鉴于此,笔者尝试以“厚翻译”理论为指导来完成此次翻译任务。1993年,美国哲学家、文化学者阿皮亚提出了“厚翻译(Thick Translation)”,即通过注释、评注等方法将文本置于丰富的文化和语言环境中。译者需在译文中添加大量脚注、文内注等注释性文本材料,为目标语读者提供必要的背景文化信息。这种方法的使用,不仅再现了原文的历史情景,而且也使读者获得了相关的历史背景知识。这极大地弥补了文本交流中的语境缺失,达到准确传达原文意义的目的。综上所述,这一理论为翻译历史文化类文本提供了新途径。《晋国廉政故事》一书涉及到众多历史人物、地名、官名以及历史事件,这就要求译者遍稽群籍,掌握大量的历史文化知识。在此次翻译实践中,笔者以厚翻译理论为指导,采用脚注、文内注、隐性的注释的方法对文化负载背景信息加以注释,更好地展现了中国春秋晋国时期的廉政文化。希望本次翻译实践能给相关历史文本的翻译工作提供一些借鉴与参考。
[Abstract]:The author's translation practice report is based on the translation of the story of a clean government in Jinguo, excerpts from five historical stories of harmony, self-cultivation and cleanliness. Deep excavation of the Spring and Autumn period Jin (now Linfen City, Shanxi Province Hou Ma) history and regional culture. The text is loaded with a large amount of background information, so the literal translation will inevitably bring the target readers an obstacle of understanding. In view of this, the author tries to complete the translation task under the guidance of the theory of "thick translation". In 1993, Appiah, an American philosopher and cultural scholar, proposed "thick translation (Thick Translation)", that is, through annotations. Methods such as commentary place the text in a rich cultural and linguistic environment. The translator needs to add a large number of footnotes and notes to the target text to provide the target readers with necessary background cultural information. The use of this method not only reproduces the historical scene of the original text, but also enables the reader to acquire relevant historical background knowledge. This greatly makes up for the lack of context in the communication of texts and achieves the purpose of accurately conveying the meaning of the original text. To sum up, this theory provides a new way for the translation of historical and cultural texts. The story of a clean government in Jinguo involves many historical figures, place names, official names and historical events. Master a great deal of knowledge of history and culture. In this translation practice, the author, guided by the thick translation theory, annotates the culture-loaded background information by means of footnotes, notes in the text and implicit annotations, which better demonstrates the culture of clean government in the Spring and Autumn period of Jin Dynasty in China. I hope this translation practice can provide some reference for the translation of relevant historical texts.


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1 石丽华;;翻译过程中的脚注问题[J];吉林广播电视大学学报;2011年11期

2 曹明伦;谈谈译文的注释[J];中国翻译;2005年01期




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