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发布时间:2018-08-02 15:49
[Abstract]:At present, although English teaching in higher vocational colleges has made some achievements, it still can not meet the requirements of modernization construction in China. The reasons are various. One of the important reasons is that the theoretical research and practical exploration of teaching evaluation lag behind. Therefore, the author chooses the evaluation of higher vocational English teaching as the subject of this study, in order to provide some reference for the research of similar subjects in the industry. Firstly, the author studies the current situation of English teaching evaluation at home and abroad in higher vocational colleges and universities through literature review, and finds that English teaching evaluation research is mainly focused on college English teaching evaluation or basic English teaching evaluation in colleges and universities. The research on English teaching evaluation in higher vocational colleges is lack of influential research results. Most of the studies belong to personal experience summary, lack of theoretical research and empirical research, the breakthrough point of research is often very similar, and the content of repetition is more. Most of the studies are limited to the evaluation of specific English language knowledge teaching or learning, limited to the evaluation of teaching methods, and lack of evaluation based on the students' own needs. There is a lack of practical and professional evaluation based on higher vocational English teaching. In addition, the author clarifies the connotation and research scope of English teaching evaluation in higher vocational education through literature review, and clarifies that the guiding theories of this study are system theory, constructivism theory and multiple intelligence theory. Secondly, the author studies the problems existing in the evaluation of higher vocational English teaching in our country, such as the imperfect policy and system, the lagging of the value concept, the single subject and the single way of evaluation. The object scope of evaluation is narrow. The existing evaluation system of English teaching in higher vocational colleges neglects the evaluation of language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and reading, the evaluation of intercultural awareness and communicative competence, and the degree of effort and progress of the subjects. Creative thinking, emotional experience, professional ethics and other non-verbal knowledge and skills evaluation. Aiming at these evaluation problems, the author puts forward some suggestions on constructing a pluralistic evaluation system of higher vocational English teaching based on teachers and students from the aspects of humanization of evaluation idea, diversification of evaluation subjects, diversification of evaluation methods and diversification of evaluation objects. Finally, in order to verify the necessity and feasibility of the pluralistic evaluation system of higher vocational English teaching based on teachers and students, the author carries out the relevant experimental research, and before launching the experimental study, the author determines the purpose of the experiment. The objects and materials of the experiment and the characteristics of English teaching in higher vocational colleges are analyzed. On this basis, the author designs the evaluation scheme by using the system theory, the theory of multiple intelligences and the theory of constructivism. Then the author has carried out the teaching evaluation experiment from two aspects: language knowledge and skill teaching evaluation and non-language knowledge skill teaching evaluation. The author finds that it is necessary and feasible to construct a pluralistic evaluation system of higher vocational English teaching based on teachers and students. At the same time, the author also reflects on the place where the evaluation of English teaching in higher vocational education needs to be further improved.


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