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发布时间:2018-08-03 17:47
【摘要】:正慕课(MOOC),即为大规模开放的在线课程(Massive Open Online Course)",是互联网时代下一种新开发的在线课程模式。慕课是以网络化学习的开放教育为基础,能在教育领域的各个学科中灵活运用。《慕课视角下高职英语教育教学探究与设计》一书是紧紧围绕慕课与高职英语教学进行论述的著作,该书分为慕课发展认知篇、英语慕课教师篇、英语慕课学生篇三大内容。站在不同的角度对慕课视角下高职英语教育教学进行探究。对"互联网+"时代的慕课与高等教育
[Abstract]:Zhengmu (MOOC), is a large-scale open online course (Massive Open Online Course) ", which is a new online course mode developed in the Internet era. It is based on the open education of network learning. It can be used flexibly in various subjects in the field of education. "exploring and designing English Teaching in higher Vocational Education from the Perspective of Mooning course" is a book devoted to the discussion of "Mu" and "English Teaching in higher Vocational Education", which is divided into two parts: the cognitive part of the development of "Mu". There are three main contents: English Moo teacher and English Moo students. This paper probes into the teaching of higher vocational English education from different angles of view. Admirable courses and higher Education in the era of "Internet"
【作者单位】: 内蒙古商贸职业学院;


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