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基于英汉对比分析的Fortune Smiles的翻译实践报告

发布时间:2018-08-05 20:53
【摘要】:《幸运微笑》是由亚当·约翰逊(Adam Johnson)所著的一部小说集,其中包含六篇故事,深入探讨了爱和失去、自然灾害、科技的影响和意识形态对个人的塑造。故事六Fortune Smiles描述了两名朝鲜“叛逃者”DJ和孙河(Sun-ho)逃到首尔后,对物质极大丰富的新生活很不适应,感觉新世界的人们和科技都如彼岸世界,但最折磨他们的是孤独感。本文作者节选这一部分进行了翻译。本报告第一部分介绍翻译任务、《幸运微笑》作者及作品简介、小说的文体特征。第二部分包括译前、译中、译后三个阶段,详细记述了整个翻译过程。在理论指导和案例分析部分,鉴于对比分析是语言与文化研究的重要手段,英语和汉语在语言方面和文化方面存在着差异,笔者从语系、句子结构、语法方面对比分析了英汉两种语言之间的差异所在:由于分属于不同的语系,在词类方面的划分有所不同,英语表达中擅用名词、弱势动词等,而汉语中动词居多;通过分析句子结构层面的不同,可知英语先呈现重要或评论性信息,且形合,汉语注重表意;语法方面,英语被动语态的使用频率较高。之后,针对翻译过程中的问题,根据对比分析的结果,运用相应的翻译方法,进行案例分析,包括:词类转换、增译和减译、肯否定转换译法、词序变化及被动主动转换译法,争取在内容、结构方面再现原文,同时符合译入语的表达习惯,增强文章的可读性。最后,对于翻译实践过程中的收获和不足进行了总结。
[Abstract]:Lucky smile is a collection of novels by Adam Johnson (Adam Johnson), which contains six stories that delve into love and loss, natural disasters, the influence of technology and ideology in shaping the individual. Story six Fortune Smiles describes two North Korean defectors, DJ and Sun-ho, who fled to Seoul, unsuited to a new life of enormous material abundance, feeling like people and technology on the other side of the world, but tormenting them most. This part is translated by the author. The first part of this report introduces the translation task, the author of the Luck smile, and the stylistic features of the novel. The second part includes three stages: pre-translation, mid-translation and post-translation. In the part of theoretical guidance and case study, since contrastive analysis is an important tool in the study of language and culture, there are differences between English and Chinese in terms of language and culture. In grammar, the differences between English and Chinese are compared and analyzed: because they belong to different language families, the division of parts of speech is different, English expressions are good at using nouns, weak verbs and so on, while in Chinese, verbs are the majority; By analyzing the differences in sentence structure, we can see that English first presents important or critical information, and Chinese pays attention to ideographic meaning, and English passive voice is used more frequently in grammar. Then, according to the results of contrastive analysis, case studies are carried out on the basis of the results of the comparative analysis, including: part of speech conversion, incremental translation and subtraction, conversion of willingness to negation, change of word order and passive translation. Try to reproduce the original text in content and structure, at the same time accord with the target language expression habits, enhance the readability of the article. Finally, the paper summarizes the achievements and shortcomings in translation practice.


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