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发布时间:2018-08-07 11:11
【摘要】:从现今英语高考改革可见,英语的重要性日益显现。英语词汇量的大小成为决定英语高考成败的关键。本研究以“注意假说”、“信息加工”与“投入量假说”理论为基础,考察高中生词汇记忆过程中,教师提供三种词汇习得途径对其二语词汇习得的效果。本研究采用拉丁方设计,避免了传统的实验组、对照组分组对受试造成的不公平干预,探讨了三种教学途径(FonF,Fon FS,FonM)对高中二语词汇习得以及不同词性词汇(名词、动词与形容词)习得的即时与延时记忆效果。据此,本研究主要探究两个问题:(1)三种教学途径(FonF,FonFS,FonM)对于词汇的学习与不同词性词汇(名词、动词、形容词)的短时记忆是否会产生不同的影响?(2)三种教学途径(FonF,FonFS,FonM)对于词汇的记忆与不同词性词汇(名词、动词、形容词)的长时记忆是否会产生不同的影响?本实验从一所普通中学抽取了1个班(N=54),随机分为三组实验样本作为实验对象。三组受试(词汇能力没有显著差异)不同先后采用FonF、Fon FS、FonM教学途径。阅读材料选自中学英语课本中一篇说明文,文章长度、难度及主题符合受试水平。实验前,受试于一张印有30个词的单词表中选出陌生词汇,并经过筛选,最终确定12个词作为目标词(4个名词,4个动词,4个形容词)。FonF与FonM测试使用阅读理解题,FonFS测试使用词汇练习题。即时测试与延时测试均改编自Wesche和Paribakht(1997)的词汇知识等级表,测试结果运用SPSS 21.0软件,采用描述性统计分析与One Way ANOVA分析了三组样本共九个实验的实验数据,用于回答研究问题1与2。本实验分四步进行。第一步:实验前两周对各样本组本学期期中考成绩进行描述统计分析。第二步:实验前为了避免各样本组在英语词汇量方面可能产生的差异,使用了Nation的词汇量等级测试(Vocabulary Size Test)对学生进行词汇量测试,以确保各样本组的英语词汇量无显著性差异。第三步:实验前一周选择目标词。从30个词汇中挑选12个单词:4个名词、4个动词与4个形容词。第四步:4个词一组,分别用于FonFS,FonF与FonM的设计。并于实验后立马进行即时测试。两周后进行延时测试。实验结果表明:(1)三种教学途径(FonF,FonFS,FonM)对于词汇的学习均产生积极的影响。并对不同词性词汇(名词、动词、形容词)的学习效果会产生不同的影响。(2)即时测试表明,FonFS对于词汇记忆效果比FonF与FonM好。(3)延时测试表明,在记忆名词与形容词时,FonF有更好的记忆效果。而在记忆动词时,FonFS的记忆效果更好。(4)总体而言,无论使用何种教学途径,名词的记忆效果优于动词与形容词。动词的记忆效果最差。笔者根据以上实验结论提出词汇教学应该根据不同的教学目标采用不同的教学途径并且在记忆不同词性时,采用不同的教学途径:记忆动词时,应该更加具体,采取FonFS。
[Abstract]:From the present English college entrance examination reform, the importance of English is increasingly apparent. The size of English vocabulary is the key to the success of college entrance examination. Based on the "attention hypothesis", "information processing" and "involvement load hypothesis", the present study investigates the effects of teachers' three ways of vocabulary acquisition on the second language vocabulary acquisition of senior high school students in the process of vocabulary memory. In this study, the Latin square design was used to avoid the traditional experimental group and the control group to interfere unfairly with the subjects. Three teaching approaches (FonFFFon FSU FonM) and different parts of speech vocabulary (nouns) were discussed. Verbs and adjectives) the immediate and delayed memory effects of acquisition. Accordingly, the present study mainly explores two problems: (1) the study of three teaching approaches (FonFFN, FonFSU, FonM) for vocabulary learning and different parts of speech vocabulary (nouns, verbs, verbs), Will the short-term memory of adjectives have different effects? (2) will the three teaching approaches (FonFwe FonFSU FonM) have different effects on vocabulary memory and on the long term memory of different parts of speech vocabulary (nouns, verbs, adjectives)? A class (NN54) was selected from a general middle school and randomly divided into three groups of experimental samples. The three groups (no significant difference in vocabulary competence) adopted FonFFon FSU FonM teaching approach in different order. The reading materials are selected from an essay in a middle school English textbook. The length, difficulty and subject of the article are in line with the subjects' level. Before the experiment, the subjects selected unfamiliar words from a list of 30 words and were screened. Finally, 12 words were chosen as target words (4 nouns, 4 verbs, 4 adjectives) .FonF and FonM test. Both the instant test and the delay test were adapted from the vocabulary knowledge level table of Wesche and Paribakht (1997). The test results were analyzed by using SPSS 21.0 software, descriptive statistical analysis and One Way ANOVA were used to analyze nine experimental data of three groups of samples. Used to answer questions 1 and 2. The experiment was carried out in four steps. Step 1: two weeks prior to the experiment, descriptive statistical analysis was performed on the results of each of the semesters. Step two: in order to avoid the possible differences in the vocabulary of each group, Nation's vocabulary rating test (Vocabulary Size Test) was used to test the vocabulary of the students in order to ensure that there was no significant difference in the vocabulary of each group. Step 3: choose the target word one week before the experiment. Choose 12 words from 30 words: 4 nouns, 4 verbs and 4 adjectives. Step 4: a group of four words, used in the design of the FonFS and FonM, respectively. The test was carried out immediately after the experiment. A delay test was conducted two weeks later. The experimental results show that: (1) the three teaching approaches (FonFN FonFSU FonM) have a positive effect on vocabulary learning. The learning effects of different parts of speech vocabulary (nouns, verbs, adjectives) are different. (2) the immediate test shows that the effect of FonF on vocabulary memory is better than that of FonF and FonM. When memorizing nouns and adjectives, FonF has better memory effects. But the memory effect of FonFS is better when the verb is memorized. (4) in general, the memory effect of noun is better than that of verb and adjective, no matter what teaching method is used. Verbs have the worst effect of memory. According to the above conclusions, the author puts forward that vocabulary teaching should adopt different teaching approaches according to different teaching objectives and different teaching approaches when memorizing different parts of speech: when memorizing verbs, it should be more specific and adopt FonFS.


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