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发布时间:2018-08-08 16:21
【摘要】:重复阅读(Repeated Reading)是一项由Samuels(1979)基于实证而发展的让学生多次阅读相同文本的教学技术。其理论基础为自动化理论。该理论认为,为确保充分理解文章,读者在将更多的精力分配到高水平处理时,必须达到在低水平处理上的自动化。本研究以母语为汉语的大学生为研究对象,借助眼动追踪技术,考察重复阅读技术对大学生英文语篇阅读的作用。实验采用2(目标词词频:高,低)×5(阅读遍数:1,2,3,4,5)的两因素被试内设计。结果发现:(1)重复阅读对被试的阅读效果均有显著的促进作用,表现为随着阅读遍数的增加,阅读时间,平均注视时间缩短,注视次数和回视次数减少,平均眼跳幅度增加;(2)重复阅读对目标词阅读同样有显著的促进作用,表现为目标词跳读率不断增加,凝视时间和总注视时间不断减少;(3)重复阅读对低频词阅读的促进作用要大于对高频词阅读的促进作用。研究表明,重复阅读技术能有效地提高二语学习者的阅读表现。
[Abstract]:Repeated reading (Repeated Reading) is an empirical teaching technique developed by Samuels (1979) to enable students to read the same text many times. Its theoretical basis is automation theory. The theory holds that in order to ensure a full understanding of the article, the reader must achieve automation in low level processing when allocating more energy to high level processing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of repeated reading on English discourse reading of college students with the help of eye movement tracking technique. The experiment was designed with two factors (target word frequency: high, low) 脳 5 (reading times: 1 / 2). The results showed that: (1) repeated reading significantly promoted the reading effect of the subjects, which showed that with the increase of reading times, the reading time, the average fixation time were shortened, the fixation times and the times of looking back were decreased. (2) repeated reading can also promote the reading of target words, which shows that the rate of target word jumping is increasing. Gaze time and total fixation time decreased continuously; (3) repetition reading promoted low frequency word reading more than high frequency word reading. The study shows that repeated reading technology can effectively improve the reading performance of L2 learners.


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