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发布时间:2018-08-09 18:57
【摘要】:英语致使移动构式是构式语法的重要组成部分,它不单单是一个重要的语义概念,它也传达了人们日常生活中的基本经验。英语致使移动构式的结构形式为‘'[Sub. V. Obj.Ob1.]"(在此结构形式中,V为非静态动词,Obl.为方向性的介词短语),句式形式为"NP1+V+NP2+Obl.",它的中心语义为“X致使Y移向Z”。英语致使移动构式的意义不能从致使移动构式中的某个构成及构成组合或者从别的构式中推断出来,它的意义是由它本身的形式和意义的结合而传达出来的。英语致使移动构式并非只有一个单一而固定的含义,它的语义是由一个典型的中心语义和四个由此而延伸出来的非典型语义而构成。本研究主要以Goldberg的构式语法,Fauconnier和Turner的概念整合理论以及Mandelblit的语法整合理论为理论框架对英语致使移动构式进行研究,并在这些理论框架的基础上,本文主要以母语为汉语的英语学习者作为研究对象,通过调查问卷和访谈的形式来研究以后问题:1.在英语知识移动构式的五种不同意义中,哪种语义对汉语母语学习者最困难?哪种语义最容易?2.在对五种意义的理解上,三个不同英语水平组在理解过程中有什么相似点和不同点?3.影响母语为汉语的英语学习者理解英语致使移动构式的因素有哪些?4.非英语专业的学习者怎样理解非典型义的英语致使移动构式?本研究主要有以下发现:1)母语为汉语,二语为英语的学习者在理解不同的英语致使移动构式句时都存着这样的倾向和趋势:调查研究结果显示,研究对象对其典型意义“直接致使移动”理解情况最好,对其扩展意义中“能够致使”的理解最差。而对“帮助致使”,“蕴涵致使”和“阻止致使”这三种扩展语义理解情况按顺序位于居中。2)在对五种意义的理解方面,相对于低水平和中水平的英语学习者而言,高水平英语学习者在理解非典型的致使移动构式时更容易。3)母语为汉语,二语为英语的学习者对不同语义的英语致使移动构式理解和所需认知加工不同的原因大致为:第一,实验对象易受母语负迁移的影响:第二,过度概括:第三,汉语固定思维以及对英语致使移动构式的直接翻译。4)在理解非典型的致使移动构式时,非英语专业学习者要付出更多的认知努力。他们更加倾向于通过动词的意思,动词组合以及句子的翻译来理解句子,而英语专业学习者更加倾向于将句子看作一个整体来理解,即按照构式来理解。
[Abstract]:English causative mobile construction is an important part of construction grammar. It is not only an important semantic concept, but also conveys the basic experience of people's daily life. The structural form of the English causative mobile construction is'[Sub]. " In this form, V is a non-static verb. The sentence form is "NP1 V NP2 Obl." and its central semantics is "X causes Y to move to Z". The meaning of English causative mobile construction can not be inferred from one of its components and combinations or from other constructions. Its meaning is conveyed by the combination of its own form and meaning. The meaning of English causative mobile construction is not only a single and fixed meaning, but also consists of a typical central meaning and four non-typical semantics that extend from it. This study focuses on the Conceptual Integration Theory of Goldberg's Constructive Grammar and Turner's Conceptual Integration Theory and Mandelblit's grammatical Integration Theory on the basis of which the English causative mobile constructions are studied. This paper focuses on native Chinese learners of English, and studies the question of "1: 1" by means of questionnaires and interviews. Which semantics is the most difficult for Chinese native language learners in the five different meanings of English knowledge moving constructions? Which semantics is the easiest. In the understanding of the five meanings, the three different English proficiency groups have any similarities and differences in the process of understanding. What are the factors that influence the understanding of mobile construction by native Chinese learners? How do non-English major learners understand atypical English causative construction? The main findings of this study are as follows: 1) Chinese as the mother tongue and second language as the second language learners tend to have such a tendency in understanding the mobile construction sentences caused by different English: the results of the study show that, The study subjects had the best understanding of the typical meaning of "direct cause movement" and the worst understanding of "can cause" in its extended meaning. For "help cause", "implication cause" and "stop cause", the three kinds of extended semantic understanding are in the middle of the order) in terms of the understanding of the five meanings, compared with the low and middle level English learners, It is easier for high level English learners to understand atypical mobile constructions (3) Chinese as their mother tongue, and second language learners (L2) for different reasons for different understanding and cognitive processing of mobile constructions with different semantics: first, Subjects are susceptible to negative transfer of their mother tongue: second, overgeneralization: third, Chinese fixed thinking and direct translation of English causative mobile constructions. Non-English major learners have to make more cognitive efforts. They tend to understand sentences through verb meaning, verb combination and sentence translation, while English majors tend to understand sentences as a whole, that is, by construction.




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