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发布时间:2018-08-13 08:58
[Abstract]:With the advent of globalization, communication between people with different languages has become more and more common. Therefore, as a bridge between different cultures, interpretation also plays an important role in international affairs. Among the many types of interpretation, there is no doubt that conference interpretation is the most common one. Conference interpreters are often used in high-level international conferences organized by international organizations, such as the United Nations, European Union or national government departments, as well as non-governmental organizations. Many important and influential decisions are made in such meetings, which cover a wide range of hot issues, regional issues, and academic topics in the field of expertise. As a graduate student majoring in English interpretation, the author has participated in interpreting practice several times. This paper is based on the author's interpretation practice in a large-scale forum, the Central China International Productivity Cooperation Forum and the Enterprise docking Fair. The purpose of this paper is to explore the common interpretation methods and strategies in conference interpretation. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter gives a brief introduction to this thesis, including the background of the author's participation in interpreting practice and the importance of this paper. The second chapter is an introduction to conference interpretation, including the development of conference interpretation, main characteristics, interpretation process and requirements for meeting interpreters. The third chapter describes the interpretation practice, which is divided into three parts: pre-task, task-neutral and post-task. This chapter also provides the author's own suggestions on how to successfully complete the interpreting activities, supplemented by relevant examples, including what preparatory work should be done by the pre-mission interpreters, and how to take notes efficiently. How to deal with all kinds of emergencies and so on. The fourth chapter analyzes the common interpretation methods in the process of conference interpretation, including word addition, ellipsis, simplification, reconstruction and conversion. The fifth chapter is the end of this paper, including the main achievements and shortcomings.


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