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发布时间:2018-08-14 16:55
[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening up and the development of economic globalization, China's foreign economic exchanges become more and more frequent. International business contract plays an important role in the promotion and success of international business cooperation in foreign economic exchanges. Therefore, on the basis of the translation practice of international commercial contracts, this paper analyzes and summarizes the text features and translation principles of international business contracts, and applies relevant knowledge to solve the problems encountered in the process of translating international commercial contracts into English and Chinese. Taking ten international business contracts as examples, this paper discusses the translation methods and techniques of international business contracts under the guidance of Yan Fu's three principles of translation. The first part of this paper introduces the translation practice report, including the research background, the significance, the structure of the translation report and the process of the translation practice. The second part is the description of the project. In this chapter, the author briefly introduces the source of the translation project and the requirements of the client to the translator. The third part is the characteristic analysis of the translated text. The author uses examples to analyze the content and language characteristics of the international business contract. The fourth part is the translation principles of international commercial contract translation-accurate, strict, smooth, normative and concise. The fifth part is a case study, in which some questions about the translation of words and sentences are analyzed. The sixth part is the final part, which summarizes the whole translation process. Some problems are raised and solved in this report, which can provide some guidance and reference value for the practice and research of international business contract translation in the future.


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