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发布时间:2018-08-14 17:16
【摘要】:词汇一直被视为英语教学中的基础。虽然词汇教学的方法在英语外语教学中不断推陈出新,但如何提高词汇教学的效果仍是学界一个热烈争论的问题。同时,随着语境研究的发展,基于语境的语言教学成为了外语教学的重要研究热点。本研究分析目前高中英语词汇教学的现状及问题,借鉴前人运用语境进行英语词汇教学的研究成果,进一步探索基于语境的高中英语词汇教学。基于加工层次理论、联结理论及布卢姆的教学目标分类法,本研究重点探讨以下两个研究问题:1)基于语境的词汇教学是否更能促进高中生记忆词汇?2)基于语境的词汇教学能否更有效地提高高中生的词汇能力?如能,表现在哪些维度?否则,是什么原因?本研究采用实验研究法,实验为期14周,实验对象为广州市某外国语学校高一级两个常规教学班共100人,学生年龄为15-16岁。实验班(男生28人,女生22人)运用基于语境的词汇教学法;控制班(男生24人,女生26人)采用词汇表教学方法。在实验期间两个班都进行了前测、及时记忆测试、延时记忆测试和后测,所得的数据经过了SPSS 21.0分析处理。主要采用的统计方法有独立样本T检验,配对样本T检验。另外,为进一步探究基于语境的词汇教学对学生的词汇记忆的帮助,在延时记忆测试结束后,作者分别访谈了实验班的8名学生。通过实证数据分析,本研究得出以下结论:1)基于语境的词汇教学更能帮助学生记忆词汇。2)基于语境的词汇能更有效地提高高中生的词汇能力,尤其是推理能力和特定语境下的词汇释义能力。本研究表明,语境教学法在高中英语语法教学中是有效可行的。希望广大英语教师在实际教学中能精心设计语境以提高学生的词汇能力,进而发展学生的综合语言运用能力。
[Abstract]:Vocabulary has always been regarded as the foundation of English teaching. Although vocabulary teaching methods are constantly innovating in English foreign language teaching, how to improve the effect of vocabulary teaching is still a hot issue in academic circles. At the same time, with the development of contextual research, context-based language teaching has become an important research hotspot in foreign language teaching. This study analyzes the present situation and problems of English vocabulary teaching in senior high school, and further explores the context-based English vocabulary teaching in senior high school by referring to the previous research results of English vocabulary teaching based on context. Based on the theory of processing hierarchy, the theory of connection and Bloom's classification of teaching objectives, This study focuses on the following two research questions: 1) whether context-based vocabulary teaching can promote high school students' memory of vocabulary and whether context-based vocabulary teaching can improve high school students' vocabulary competence more effectively? If so, in what dimensions? Otherwise, what's the reason? The experiment was carried out for 14 weeks. The subjects of the experiment were 100 students aged 15-16 years in two regular classes of higher grade in a foreign language school in Guangzhou. The experimental class (28 males and 22 females) used context-based vocabulary teaching method, while the control class (24 males and 26 females) adopted vocabulary teaching method. During the experiment, pre-test, memory test, delayed memory test and post-test were carried out in both classes. The data were analyzed and processed by SPSS 21.0. The main statistical methods are independent sample T test and paired sample T test. In addition, in order to further explore the help of context-based vocabulary teaching to students' vocabulary memory, the author interviewed eight students in the experimental class after the delayed memory test. Through empirical data analysis, this study draws the following conclusions: 1) context-based vocabulary teaching can help students to memorize vocabulary better) context-based vocabulary can improve high school students' vocabulary competence more effectively. Especially the ability of reasoning and lexical interpretation in a specific context. The present study shows that contextual approach is effective and feasible in English grammar teaching in senior high school. It is hoped that the majority of English teachers can carefully design the context in order to improve the students' vocabulary ability and then develop the students' comprehensive language use ability.


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7 李重阳;;Cultivating the students' memory of English vocabulary in games[J];魅力中国;2010年17期


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5 郭海燕;石乐波;;A Study of Vocabulary Learning from a Psycholinguistic Perspective[A];语言与文化研究(第七辑)[C];2010年

6 ;The Role of China English in Translating Culturally Loaded Words[A];中国英汉语比较研究会第八次全国学术研讨会论文摘要汇编[C];2008年

7 ;Application of Involvement Load in English Word Retention[A];语言与文化研究(第一辑)[C];2007年

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