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发布时间:2018-08-15 12:09
【摘要】:众所周知,外语的学习需要有一定的语言环境。因此,对于母语是中文的中国学生来说,要在脱离语言环境的情况下学好英语这门外语,就显得尤为困难。目前,语言输入的不足成为我国英语教学的一大难题。阅读是语言输入的主要途径,它在语言学习中起着举足轻重的作用,也是解决英语教学问题的突破口。根据《初中英语新课程标准2011年版》的要求,初中生需要阅读的字数累计达29万词以上,其中七年级4万词,八年级10万词,九年级15万词。另外,阅读理解占据了初中几乎所有英语考试卷的五分之一以上的分数,其中包括浙江省初中升学考试。这就意味着英语的学习在阅读方面向初中生和教师都提出了更高的要求。为了完成教学任务,帮助学生在考试中获得高分,英语教师把大量的时间和精力投入到教材的精读上,试图通过教材内容传授学生阅读策略。他们忽视了对学生课外阅读的指导,也忽视了学生的感受。另外,由于教材有限的词汇和枯燥陈旧的内容,学生普遍对阅读持消极态度,他们的阅读意愿不强,积极性和自觉性也不高。笔者在本文中将以“文学圈”模式为基础研究英语阅读教学,目的是探究该模式对初中生英语阅读兴趣的影响,证实该模式对提高学生英语阅读能力并增加学生阅读词汇量的有效性。笔者以海宁市第二中学七年级的两个班为实验对象。其中7 (2)班是实验班,教师使用书虫系列作为阅读训练材料。实验班的28名学生每周利用一节课的时间接受“文学圈”模式的阅读教学。而7 (1)班则被定为对照班。教师沿用传统的英语阅读教学对班里的27名学生进行指导。两个班利用一个学期的时间采用相同的教学进度和教学任务进行阅读教学。另外,教师对两个班在实验前后分别进行了问卷、词汇和阅读测试和访谈,并对收集到的数据进行了分析。实验结果表明“文学圈”阅读模式在一定程度上激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,促使学生充分利用课外时间阅读更多的英语课外读物。该阅读模式既提升了学生的英语阅读水平,丰富了学生的课外词汇量,同时在培养学生的自主学习能力,初步形成团队合作意识上也有显著的成效。该研究为广大的初中英语教师开辟了另一种全新的且有实际效果的阅读教学方法。虽然“文学圈”模式的阅读教学还存在着一些局限性有待商榷和改进,但是笔者期望有更多的教师能关注到学生的课外阅读上去,把“文学圈”模式应用在初中英语阅读教学中。笔者相信英语课外阅读教学最好的时机就是从初中开始。
[Abstract]:As we all know, learning a foreign language requires a certain language environment. Therefore, for Chinese students whose mother tongue is Chinese, it is particularly difficult to learn English as a foreign language in isolation from the language environment. At present, the lack of language input has become a major problem in English teaching in China. Reading is the main way of language input. It plays an important role in language learning and it is also a breakthrough to solve English teaching problems. According to the requirements of the New Curriculum Standard of Junior English 2011, the number of words to be read by junior high school students is more than 290000 words, including 40,000 words in seventh grade, 100000 words in eighth grade and 150000 words in ninth grade. In addition, reading comprehension accounts for more than 1/5 of all junior high school English test papers, including Zhejiang junior high school entrance examination. This means that the study of English in reading to junior high school students and teachers put forward higher requirements. In order to complete the teaching task and help students get high scores in the examination, the English teachers devote a lot of time and energy to the intensive reading of the textbook, and try to teach the students reading strategies through the content of the textbook. They ignore the guidance of reading after-class students, but also ignore the feelings of students. In addition, due to the limited vocabulary and boring and obsolete content, students generally have a negative attitude towards reading, their reading willingness is not strong, their enthusiasm and consciousness are not high. In this paper, the author will study English reading teaching on the basis of the "literary circle" model, with the aim of exploring the influence of this model on junior high school students' English reading interest. It is proved that this model is effective in improving students' English reading ability and increasing students' reading vocabulary. The author takes two classes in the seventh grade of Haining No. 2 Middle School as experimental objects. Class 7 (2) is the experimental class, and teachers use bookworm series as reading training materials. Twenty-eight students in the experimental class receive reading instruction in the literary circle mode once a week. Class 7 (1) was designated as a control class. Teachers use traditional English reading teaching to guide 27 students in the class. The two classes use the same teaching schedule and task to teach reading in one semester. In addition, the teachers conducted questionnaires, vocabulary and reading tests and interviews before and after the experiment, and analyzed the collected data. The results show that the reading mode of "Literary Circle" to some extent arouses students' interest in learning English, and urges students to make full use of their extracurricular time to read more English extracurricular reading materials. This reading model not only improves students' English reading level, enriches students' extracurricular vocabulary, but also has remarkable effect on cultivating students' autonomous learning ability and initially forming a sense of teamwork. This research has opened up another new and effective reading teaching method for junior middle school English teachers. Although there are still some limitations in reading teaching in the "literary circle" mode, the author hopes that more teachers will pay more attention to the students' extracurricular reading. This paper applies the "literary circle" model to English reading teaching in junior high school. I believe that the best time to teach English reading out of class is from junior high school.


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