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发布时间:2018-08-16 11:40
[Abstract]:To a large extent, the effect and quality of public English classroom teaching directly affect the quality of talent training in higher vocational colleges. Developing public English classroom teaching for students and improving students' English basic quality and ability are the common methods adopted by higher vocational colleges in order to achieve the goal of cultivating skilled applied talents. Based on the theme of "Public English classroom Teaching in higher Vocational Colleges", this paper selects a vocational college in Jiujiang as a case to investigate the present situation of public English classroom teaching in vocational colleges, and analyzes the main problems and its influencing factors. At the same time, draw on the beneficial practice of similar colleges and universities, put forward the corresponding improvement countermeasures. Firstly, this paper clarifies the relevant concepts and educational theories by means of literature and comparative analysis, establishes the goal of public English teaching in higher vocational education, and summarizes the successful experiences and shortcomings of English teaching in higher vocational colleges at home and abroad. Secondly, the present situation of public English teaching in a vocational college in Jiujiang is investigated by means of questionnaire and interview. The results show that there is a lack of interest in public English teaching in a vocational college in Jiujiang. The comprehensive quality of teachers needs to be improved, the English classroom teaching system needs to be improved and so on, and then through summing up the teaching experience of 6 vocational colleges in Jiangxi province, it is concluded that the high quality teachers are the guarantee of teaching quality. The improvement of students' autonomous learning ability is beneficial to the improvement of teaching effect, and the renewal of teaching mode is a useful way to learn from. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to improve the public English teaching in a vocational college in Jiujiang from the school level and the teacher level.


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