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发布时间:2018-08-16 12:08
【摘要】:在外语教学中,阅读是四大语言技能之一,且是重要的语言输入和输出途径。阅读课亦是高中英语教学中常见的课型。然而,我国高中英语阅读教学当前仍存在着诸多问题,主要原因在于多数一线教师“重结果轻过程”,多采用机械重复的教学流程进行单纯的词汇、语法教学。教师多忽视对学生阅读策略的指导,因而无法从根本上帮助学生提升英语阅读水平。Hosenfeld(1997)指出,成功的阅读者和不成功的阅读者在策略使用方面大不相同。阅读策略是学习策略的重要组成部分,阅读策略的有效运用可以获得良好的阅读效果。鉴于此,针对高中生在英语阅读活动中阅读策略的研究对英语学习和教学都尤为必要。国内相关研究中,研究者多采用问卷调查法或者访谈法,难以保证研究数据的有效性。而有声思维法,作为心理学常用的方法之一,可记录受试大脑中内隐的思维活动,得到更为真实的实时数据。因此,笔者拟采用有声思维法尝试探讨英语阅读策略与英语阅读成绩的关系,以期解答以下问题:(1)高中生在英语阅读过程中经常用到哪些策略?(2)阅读策略的使用与高中生的英语阅读理解成绩存在什么关系?(3)阅读成绩高分组与低分组在阅读策略使用上存在什么差异性?本研究选取山东省淄博市某高中20名高一学生作为研究对象。笔者运用有声思维法对其在阅读理解中的阅读策略使用情况进行实时记录,使用Microsoft Excel和SPSS 19.0等软件对数据分别进行了统计性分析、相关性分析、独立样本T检验分析。研究结果总结如下:第一,高中生在英语阅读活动中均会使用各类阅读策略,包括元认知策略、认知策略以及社会情感策略。第二,高中生在英语阅读活动中使用阅读策略情况存在差异性,从使用频率上来说,认知策略的使用要高于元认知策略的使用,而社会情感策略的使用程度最低。高分组受试者相较于低分组受试者更多地使用元认知策略和认知策略,却更少地使用社会情感策略。第三,高中生在英语阅读活动中针对阅读策略的运用与阅读理解成绩之间存在相关性关系,其中元认知策略的总体运用情况在p=0.01水平上与阅读成绩呈现显著相关性(r=0.782);认知策略的总体运用情况在p=0.05水平上与阅读成绩呈现显著相关性(r=0.525);社会情感策略的总体运用情况在p=0.05水平上与阅读成绩呈现负相关性(r=-0.590)。本研究进一步证实了英语阅读策略在英语阅读活动中的重要作用。在英语阅读教学活动中,教师应将英语阅读策略培养作为教学目标,有效实施精心设计的英语阅读策略教学活动,尤其注重培养学生的元认知策略运用意识。此外,建立英语阅读策略教学的反馈机制,以期帮助学生提高英语阅读成绩。学生应注重培养自身的英语阅读兴趣,养成良好的英语阅读习惯,真正将英语阅读策略自觉、有效地运用到阅读活动中。
[Abstract]:In foreign language teaching, reading is one of the four language skills and an important way of language input and output. Reading is also a common type of English teaching in senior high school. However, there are still many problems in English reading teaching in senior high school in China. The main reason lies in the fact that most first-line teachers pay more attention to the result than the process, and often use the mechanical repeated teaching process to carry out simple vocabulary and grammar teaching. Teachers ignore the guidance of students' reading strategies, so they can not fundamentally help students to improve their English reading level. Hosenfeld (1997) points out that successful readers and unsuccessful readers are very different in the use of strategies. Reading strategies are an important part of learning strategies, and the effective use of reading strategies can achieve good reading results. In view of this, the study on reading strategies of senior high school students in English reading activities is particularly necessary for English learning and teaching. In domestic related research, most researchers use questionnaire or interview method, which is difficult to ensure the validity of the research data. As one of the commonly used methods in psychology, the audio thinking method can record the implicit thinking activities in the brain of the subjects and obtain more real time data. Therefore, the author intends to explore the relationship between English reading strategies and English reading achievement by means of sound thinking. In order to answer the following questions: (1) what strategies are often used by high school students in the process of English reading? (2) what is the relationship between the use of reading strategies and the English reading comprehension scores of senior high school students? (3) the high score group and the low group in reading What are the differences in strategy use? This study selected 20 senior high school students from Zibo City, Shandong Province. The author uses the sound thinking method to record the use of reading strategies in reading comprehension in real time, and uses software such as Microsoft Excel and SPSS 19.0 to make statistical analysis, correlation analysis and independent sample T-test analysis respectively. The results are summarized as follows: first, high school students use various reading strategies in English reading activities, including metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social affective strategies. Secondly, there are differences in the use of reading strategies in English reading activities. In terms of frequency of use, cognitive strategies are higher than metacognitive strategies, while social affective strategies are the lowest. The subjects in the high score group used more metacognitive strategies and cognitive strategies than those in the lower group, but they used less social affective strategies. Thirdly, there is a correlation between the use of reading strategies and the reading comprehension achievement of senior high school students in English reading activities. The overall use of metacognitive strategies was significantly correlated with reading achievement at the level of p0.01 (r = 0.782); the overall use of cognitive strategies was significantly correlated with reading achievement at the level of p0.05 (r = 0.525); and the overall use of social affective strategies was significantly correlated with reading achievement (r = 0.525). At the level of p0.05, there was a negative correlation between the application and the reading score (r = -0.590). This study further confirms the important role of English reading strategies in English reading activities. In English reading teaching, teachers should take the cultivation of English reading strategies as the teaching goal, implement the carefully designed teaching activities of English reading strategies, and pay special attention to the cultivation of students' awareness of the use of metacognitive strategies. In addition, the feedback mechanism of English reading strategy teaching is established to help students improve their reading scores. Students should cultivate their interest in English reading, develop good English reading habits, and apply English reading strategies to reading activities effectively.


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