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发布时间:2018-08-18 07:34
【摘要】:本文为一篇英译中笔译实践项目。Finding Your Power to Be Happy《发现幸福的能力》是由美国作者D.E.哈德斯蒂所著的一本畅销书,目前尚无中文译本。该书主要讲述了幸福是每个人与生俱来的权利,幸福的存在不需要任何理由,只是等待人们去发现。幸福的人拥有良好的人际关系,能够取得巨大的成功,并且健康长寿。译者之所以要翻译这本书,是因为当今人们对幸福的理解相当肤浅。此书的译出可提高中国读者对真正幸福的认识,促进人们身心健康,家庭幸福及社会和谐。本翻译项目共计1万余字,节选自该书的前三章,它主要讲述真正的幸福源自何方,人们如何在生活中感受到绝对幸福,并提出了七种幸福方法,将传统智慧和现代智慧融合起来以帮助人们发现内心深处的真正幸福。书中最后指出绝对幸福是永恒的,而相对幸福和感官快乐是暂时的,它们会转瞬即逝。在进行此翻译活动之前,译者通过网上和图书馆查找相关材料,同时译者广泛阅读D.E.哈德斯蒂其它作品了解其写作背景和写作风格。译者在通读原文后,把握原著基本思想的基础上,开展此翻译项目。从语言角度看,原文作者写此书是献给渴望幸福的任何人,其语言平实,生动,句式简单。译者在翻译时要注意原作者的语言风格,语言尽可能满足来自不同背景的读者,再现原作的意图。在具体翻译实践中,译者应注意英汉语言之间的差异,其中如词形变化,英汉语中代词的运用等。书名翻译,标题翻译和代词翻译成为本次实践项目的重难点。它们看似简单,实则寓意丰富。具体的翻译实践中,译者运用了直译和意译翻译方法以及增译,减译,省略,替代等翻译策略。同时译者还借助了语境和平行文本。此次翻译项目,译者学到了很多,得出了以下几点:首先,译者应具备较强的双语能力,能够驾驭英语和汉语,因此平时应该多阅读,多写作,多实践。其次,译者应掌握翻译理论、翻译方法以及翻译策略;利用平行文本,结合语境翻译,无语境,无意义。再次,译者充分利用网络资源,译者对待译文应具备一丝不苟的态度。最后,用心观察生活,体验生活有利于译者理解原文。
[Abstract]:Finding Your Power to Be Happy is a best-selling book by D.E. Hardstey, an American author, which has not yet been translated into Chinese. Happy people have good interpersonal relationships, can achieve great success, and can live a long and healthy life. The translator has translated this book because people nowadays have a rather superficial understanding of happiness. The translation of this book can improve the Chinese readers'understanding of true happiness, promote people's physical and mental health, family happiness and social harmony. The translation project consists of more than 10,000 words, excerpted from the first three chapters of the book. It tells us where real happiness comes from, how people feel absolute happiness in their lives, and proposes seven ways to combine traditional wisdom with modern wisdom to help people find true happiness in their hearts. Before the translation, the translator searches the Internet and libraries for relevant materials, while the translator extensively reads D.E. Hardstey's other works to understand his writing background and style. From the linguistic point of view, the author of the original text is dedicated to anyone who desires happiness. His language is plain, vivid and simple. The translator should pay attention to the language style of the original author, satisfy the readers from different backgrounds as much as possible, and reproduce the intention of the original. Attention should be paid to the differences between English and Chinese, such as morphological changes, the use of pronouns in English and Chinese. Title translation, title translation and pronoun translation have become the major difficulties in this practical project. At the same time, the translator also uses context and parallel text. This translation project, the translator learns a lot and draws the following points: first, the translator should have a strong bilingual ability to control English and Chinese, so usually should read more, write more, practice more. Second, the translator should master translation theory, translation methods to. Thirdly, the translator should make full use of the network resources, and the translator should have a meticulous attitude toward the target text. Finally, observing life carefully and experiencing life are conducive to the translator's understanding of the original text.




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