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发布时间:2018-08-19 20:41
[Abstract]:In view of the current tendency of weakening English education, this paper discusses in detail the potential value of English education in China from the aspects of language philosophy, humanistic education and ideological innovation. This paper points out that there is no doubt that we should "return English to instrumental attributes", but it is one-sided to measure the gains and losses of English education in China only by this pragmatic standard, because English is not only a communicative tool. English education plays an irreplaceable role in developing students' mental ability and enriching their spiritual connotation. Based on this, this paper points out that, in order to realize the innovation of curriculum teaching, English teachers should go beyond the teaching mode which focuses on teaching language points and language skills, and organize the teaching contents in the light of the humanistic and national spirit connotation of English. To show the unique perspective of the English nation to view the world, to cultivate students' diversified cultural vision, and to stimulate students' intrinsic learning motivation.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学;


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