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发布时间:2018-08-19 20:59
【摘要】:完型测试是高中英语测试中的重要组成部分,在总分150分的试卷中,完型占据了30%的比例,高中生在应对这一题型时颇为无措,失分率较高。以往研究发现,语篇能力的高低是影响学生完型得分的主要影响因素之一。对近几年高考的完型测试题研究发现,完型愈加偏向测试学生对语篇的理解。语篇能力一词自诞生以来便受到多方关注,早期国外有关语篇能力的研究主要关注其定义,部分学者从能力的角度出发,阐述其与语用能力的区别;语篇能力主要包括衔接与连贯两个方面。国内也有不少学者关注到了英语学习者的语篇能力并强调理解语篇的能力培养的重要性。但是,相关研究结果仍莫衷一是,鲜有研究揭示英语学习者的语篇能力现状。本研究旨在考察高中英语学习者对语篇的衔接与连贯的掌握情况,以期揭示他们的语篇能力现状,主要体现为:(1)高中学生对英语语篇内容的理解;(2)学生语篇能力与语篇意识的关系;(3)学生的语篇能力与其英语水平的关系;(4)文理科学生的语篇能力的差异。本研究主要采用了问卷、语篇能力测试题、水平测试以及完型测试四种研究工具,来自贵溪某高中二年级四个班级的120位学生参与了此次研究。所有原始数据录入Excel中,并使用SPSS 17.0软件进行描述分析,相关性分析以及独立样本T检验。主要研究结果如下:首先,高二年级学生的语篇能力偏低,且呈两极分化。在语篇能力中,学生在词汇衔接题项中错误最多,说明词汇衔接为其弱项。其次,学生的语篇能力与他们的英语水平呈显著相关。学生的语篇能力越高,他们在英语水平测试中取得的成绩越好。最后,理科学生的语篇能力略高于文科学生,但没有达到显著的差异。本研究结果揭示了高中生的语篇能力现状,为将来有关语篇能力的研究提供了一定的理论和实践基础。同时,相关性研究结果显示,多项选择完型填空和合理删词完型填空与学生的语篇能力呈显著正相关,尤其是合理删词完型填空这一题型。这一结果为培养和提高学生的语篇能力提供了题型的选择。本研究的结果对高中英语教师和学习者有一定的启发作用。首先,教师和学生都应当重视语篇能力的培养,尤其是词汇衔接这一部分,特别是英语水平较差的学生。学生可以利用合理删词完型测试来进行语篇能力的训练,在提高语篇能力的同时,完型得分也会更高。
[Abstract]:The Gestalt test is an important part of the senior high school English test. In the total score of 150 points, Gestalt accounts for 30% of the test paper. The senior high school students are quite disoriented in dealing with this problem type, and the rate of losing points is high. Previous studies have found that the level of discourse competence is one of the main factors affecting students'Gestalt scores. The study on the Gestalt test of the college entrance examination in recent years shows that the cloze is more inclined to test the students' comprehension of the text. The term "discourse competence" has attracted much attention since its birth. Early studies on discourse competence in foreign countries focused on its definition, and some scholars explained the difference between discourse competence and pragmatic competence from the perspective of competence. Textual competence mainly includes cohesion and coherence. Many scholars in China also pay attention to the text competence of English learners and emphasize the importance of the ability to understand the text. However, there is still no consensus on the relevant findings, and few studies reveal the present situation of English learners' discourse competence. The purpose of this study is to investigate the cohesion and coherence of senior high school English learners in order to reveal the present situation of their discourse competence. The main results are as follows: (1) senior high school students' understanding of English discourse content; (2) the relationship between students' textual competence and discourse awareness; (3) the relationship between students' textual competence and their English proficiency; and (4) the differences of students' textual competence. The present study mainly uses questionnaire, discourse proficiency test, proficiency test and Gestalt test. 120 students from four classes in a senior high school in Guixi participated in the study. All the raw data were input into Excel, and SPSS 17.0 software was used for description analysis, correlation analysis and independent sample T-test. The main results are as follows: first, the second grade students' discourse competence is low and polarized. In discourse competence, students make the most mistakes in lexical cohesion, indicating that lexical cohesion is their weakness. Secondly, there is a significant correlation between students' textual competence and their English proficiency. The higher the students' textual competence, the better their performance in the English proficiency test. Finally, the discourse competence of science students is slightly higher than that of liberal arts students, but there is no significant difference. The present study reveals the present situation of discourse competence of senior high school students and provides a theoretical and practical basis for future research on discourse competence. At the same time, the results of the correlation study show that there is a significant positive correlation between the multi-choice cloze filling and the reasonable deletion of word cloze, especially the question type of reasonably deleting the cloze. This result provides a choice of question type for the cultivation and improvement of students' discourse competence. The results of this study are instructive for English teachers and learners in senior high school. Firstly, both teachers and students should pay attention to the cultivation of discourse competence, especially the lexical cohesion, especially for students with poor English proficiency. Students can use the test to train the discourse competence, and the score of the Gestalt will be higher than that of the others.


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1 赵媛媛;;高中文理科学生学习英语的差异[J];新课程(中旬);2013年02期

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5 唐平;孙]\0;;中国大学生理解英语衔接手段的实证研究[J];疯狂英语(教师版);2009年02期

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