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发布时间:2018-08-20 15:10
[Abstract]:The affix-like affix-wisehas the characteristics of single morphemes and affixes and can be added to nouns or parts of adverbs and adjectives to form new adverbs or adjectives. However, the semantic, grammatical and register features and diachronic evolution of Wise are not comprehensive enough and lack of data support. Therefore, the present study of diachronic and synchronic research on "Wise" based on corpus is helpful to deepen the understanding of -wise and promote the teaching of English vocabulary and grammar in this field. By reading the literature, this paper concludes six semantic types, namely, way, direction, skill, state, position and viewpoint. In terms of data, this paper covers four online corpus of COCAA, COHABNC and TIME, obtains and analyzes the data of frequency, register and diachronic change, and analyzes them in detail with etymology and sentence examples. In the analysis, we focus on how Wise becomes affixes, how the six semantic types of Wise can be extended and the order in which they appear. This paper adopts the method of quantitative analysis of data and qualitative analysis of etymology to analyze -wise.Then, it is concluded that affix-like affix-wise appears frequently in American and British English and is gradually accepted. From a synchronic point of view, the affix-like affix -wisehas a higher productivity than that of a friendly one. According to the typical theory, -wise is more close to affix characteristics than -friendly, and it is the most prolific in TIME, since most of the data of the TIME corpus come from newspapers and magazines. The research on the register of "wise" has found that it often appears in informal spoken texts, as well as in "soft" topics such as sports and entertainment, or in authoritative topics such as law and religion. Among the six semantics of "wise", the most prolific and prolific ideas and techniques are added to abstract nouns, and they also appear after proper nouns, action nouns, adjectives or adverbs to form new words. The semantics and part of speech of "otherwise" single frequency words also have similar rules. On the other hand, through the analysis of "otherwise", it is found that the six major semantics follow the way, direction, skill, state, position and order of appearance. From a diachronic point of view, affixes were most productive in the 1940s, rebounded from the bottom in the 1980s and had a good momentum of development, while the solidified words, except "likewise" and "-wise", all showed a downward trend except for "likewise" and "-wise". In this paper, the grammaticalization theory of aggregation, expansion, elimination of boundaries and solidification is used to explain how Lewis develops into affixes, and through the weakening of semantics, the schemata in lexicology are used to explain the six semantic extensions of "e".


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