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发布时间:2018-08-20 15:45
[Abstract]:In order to adapt to the change of college students' English listening ability and improve the validity of listening test, the CET-4 and CET-6 National College English Test Committee has been considering the English listening ability of college students since June 2016. The listening questions of CET 6 are partially adjusted-short dialogues and short dictation are cancelled, and short stories are added. From the reform, we can see that the CET test pays more and more attention to the students' real listening ability, and the difficulty of the examination is obviously increased, so it is the most important to lay a solid foundation. Based on a questionnaire survey, this paper points out that to pass CET-4 is not only to strengthen the strategies and technical guidance of news listening comprehension, but also to analyze the structure and characteristics of English news reports, and also to lay a solid foundation and maintain a good state before the examination. Candidates can achieve satisfactory results only by unremitting efforts.
【作者单位】: 泸州职业技术学院外语系;


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