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发布时间:2018-08-26 21:39
【摘要】:我国各高校都十分重视英语教学,但英语写作却常常被课堂教学所忽视,学生们更谈写作而色变,面临这样的窘况,寻求新型高效的写作教学模式已迫在眉睫。笔者在大学英语教学实践中发现英语写作的一些问题,主要如下:第一,为何学生缺乏英语写作主动性?第二,学生英语写作时使用什么写作策略?第三,为何学生英语写作水平普遍偏低?在有限的课堂教学中,攻克英语写作难关,帮助学生提高英语写作水平是本研究的目的所在。本研究在认知图式理论及输入、输出和互动理论的指导下提出了以读促写的英语教学模式,即通过精读大学英语教材中的文章,输入相关话题的语言知识及写作策略并将其输出于写作中,其教学过程以小组为单位进行,学生为主体,教师主导协助。该模式具有“可理解性输入-吸收整合-可理解性输出-互动反馈-调整后输出”五位一体的教学步骤。可理解性输入,是指根据单元主题提供相关的背景知识及语言知识,并引导学生讨论拓展,为学生之后的输出提供语言原料;吸收整合,是指在图式理论的指导下精读文本,分析其语言、结构及思想内容。这里图式包括语言图式,形式图式和内容图式;可理解性输出,是指通过小组讨论,确定各组写作主题、结构及内容,分配任务进行合作写作,使学生通过输出熟练所学知识;互动反馈,是指在教师的协助下,从语言、形式和内容三个方面进行小组互评,使学生更深刻的理解英语写作过程,通过评价他人反评自己;调整后输出,是指各小组吸收互评意见之后及时修改文章,达到巩固强化的目的。“以读促写”教学模式对来自温州商学院2015级计算机专业的38名学生进行为期两个月的教学实验。笔者采用写作测试和调查问卷等研究方法研究该模式的教学效果,并应用SPSS20.0对实验数据进行分析,结果显示如下:(1)学生的写作动机逐步以兴趣为导向;(2)学生掌握了一定的英语写作策略;(3)学生整体的英语写作水平得到提高。上述发现表明了 “以读促写”教学模式对提高大学生的英语写作能力、学习策略及动机方面有显著效果,对大学英语教学具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。但由于该研究项目的范围有限,实验时间较短以及受限的样本数量和质量,对所得结论会产生一定影响,对此,笔者在今后的研究中将尽量克服这些问题进一步探讨。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities in China attach great importance to English teaching, but English writing is often ignored by classroom teaching. In the practice of college English teaching, the author finds some problems in English writing, mainly as follows: first, why do students lack English writing initiative? Second, what writing strategies are used by students in English writing? Third, why are students' English writing level generally on the low side? In the limited classroom teaching, the purpose of this study is to overcome the difficulties of English writing and to help students improve their English writing level. Under the guidance of cognitive schema theory, input, output and interaction theory, the present study proposes a reading-oriented English teaching model, that is, through intensive reading of articles in college English textbooks. Input language knowledge and writing strategies of related topics and output them to writing. The teaching process is conducted in groups with students as the main body and teachers as the main help. The model has five teaching steps of "comprehensible input-absorption integration-comprehensible output-interactive feedback-adjusted output". Comprehensible input refers to providing relevant background knowledge and language knowledge according to unit themes, and guiding students to discuss and expand to provide language raw materials for students' subsequent output. Absorption and integration refers to intensive reading of text under the guidance of schema theory. Analysis of its language, structure and ideological content. The schemata include language schemata, formal schemata and content schemata, comprehensible output, refers to the group discussion, determine the theme, structure and content of each group of writing, assign tasks for cooperative writing, so that students through the export of skilled knowledge; Interactive feedback means that, with the help of teachers, they can conduct group reviews from three aspects: language, form and content, so that students can understand the process of English writing more deeply and evaluate themselves by evaluating others. It refers to the timely revision of the articles after each group absorbs each other's comments to achieve the purpose of consolidating and strengthening. A two-month teaching experiment was conducted on 38 students majoring in computer science from Wenzhou Business School in 2015. The author uses writing test and questionnaire to study the teaching effect of this model, and applies SPSS20.0 to analyze the experimental data. The results are as follows: (1) students' writing motivation is gradually interest oriented; (2) students master certain English writing strategies; (3) students' overall English writing proficiency is improved. The above findings show that the teaching mode of "reading and writing" has remarkable effects on improving college students' English writing ability, learning strategies and motivation, and has certain reference and guiding significance for college English teaching. However, due to the limited scope of the research project, short experimental time and limited sample quantity and quality, the conclusions will be affected to some extent. Therefore, the author will try to overcome these problems in the future research.


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