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发布时间:2018-08-28 06:36
[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is to study the effectiveness of English reading strategy training for Chinese college students. This study suggests that English reading strategy training can effectively improve students' awareness of using reading strategies and promote students' English proficiency. English reading strategy training can also help students improve their reading performance. In this study, 59 freshmen in applied chemistry of Tianjin University of Technology were studied. The 59 freshmen had just passed the college entrance examination and were randomly assigned to two classes, including 30 students in the first class of applied chemistry and 29 students in the second class of applied chemistry. In this study, the experimental class will receive 16 weeks of experimental training, the experimental class will receive English reading strategy training, the control class will follow the syllabus and will not receive any centralized English reading strategy training. However, both classes will undergo reading proficiency tests and questionnaires before training, and in the last week, all students will receive an English reading test and questionnaire to compare and collect data for analysis. Through experiments, this study finds that English reading strategy training can effectively improve students' awareness of using English reading strategies, and effectively apply reading strategies to improve students' comprehension ability and reading achievement. Moreover, students generally agree with and accept English reading strategy training.


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