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发布时间:2018-08-28 06:46
[Abstract]:Based on knowledge management theory and constructivist learning theory, this study takes questionnaire and interview as the research method, and junior middle school English teachers as the research object. The present situation of practical knowledge sharing and its professional development among English teachers in junior high school are analyzed by questionnaire, and the relationship between practical knowledge sharing and teachers' professional development is also studied and analyzed. In addition, on the basis of questionnaire survey, the author further excavates and analyzes the influence of practical knowledge sharing on teachers' professional development through interviews with four teachers, and then draws conclusions and puts forward some suggestions. Through the investigation of middle school English teachers in H District of H City in Shaanxi Province, this study finds that the practical knowledge sharing among junior middle school English teachers needs to be strengthened. The overall level of teacher professional development is good, but the professional knowledge and professional ability must continue to improve. There is a significant positive correlation between teachers' practical knowledge sharing and teachers' professional development. Junior middle school English teachers can effectively promote individual professional development by sharing practical knowledge. And the different ways or contents of teachers' practical knowledge sharing will also affect the different levels of professional development. Through the analysis of the relationship between teachers' practical knowledge sharing and their professional development, it is hoped that teachers will attach importance to knowledge sharing and ultimately promote teachers' own development through sharing.


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