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发布时间:2018-08-29 13:54
【摘要】:许多研究表明语法教学在外语教学中是必要的,并起着促进作用。语法教学研究也在蓬勃发展,但在当前中学英语语法教学中,以“呈现—操练—输出(Presentation-Practice-Production)”为主的3P语法教学法占据主导地位。因此,在以意义交际的课堂中,找到更好的语法教学方法,发挥教学效果的最大化已成为研究学者和英语教师最关心的问题。输入强化和输入加工理论是西方国家在二语输入理论研究方面的新进展。基于上述理论,本研究主要探究文本强化(TE=Textual Enhancement),输入加工(PI=Input Processing Instruction)以及 3P 语法教学法的总体学习效果并比较三种教学方法的初始和延后学习效果,主要回答以下三个问题:1)文本强化,输入加工教学法和3P语法教学法是否可以提高高中生对于非真实性条件状语从句的习得? 2)三种教学方法中,哪种教学方法的初始学习效果最好? 3)三种教学方法中,哪种教学方法的延后记忆效果最好?本研究选取南京某高中高—年级三个平行班作为实验对象,分别作为输入强化教学组,输入加工教学组和3P语法教学组。本实验分为前测、干预、即时测和延后测,每组由研究者执教,以if非真实性条件状语从句为目标结构接受相应的教学法,实验时间均为40分钟。教学结束后立即进行即时后测用以测试学生的初次学习效果;一星期后进行延时后测测试学生的延后记忆效果。整个实验持续一个月,使用SPSS19.0对数据进行分析。研究发现如下:1)在整体效果方面,PI教学法和3P语法教学法对语法习得均有较大促进作用,二者之间无显著差异。相比PI和3P教学法,TE在短期内对语法习得有促进作用,长期无明显促进效果。2)在初次语法学习效果对比方面,3P效果最好,PI次之,最后是TE。3)在延后记忆效果对比方面,3P和PI效果最好,之后是TE。研究发现显性的语法规则讲解对中国外语学习者有很大促进作用。教师可以通过有意义的语法活动比如结构性输入活动使学生积极参与到语法学习中。
[Abstract]:Many studies have shown that grammar teaching is necessary in foreign language teaching and plays a promoting role. The study of grammar teaching is also booming, but in the present English grammar teaching in middle schools, the 3P grammar teaching method, which is mainly "presentation-drilling-output (Presentation-Practice-Production)", plays a leading role. Therefore, finding better grammar teaching methods and maximizing the teaching effect in meaningful communication classroom has become the most concerned issue for researchers and English teachers. The theory of input reinforcement and input processing is a new development in the study of second language input theory in western countries. Based on the above theory, this study mainly explores the overall learning effects of text enhancement (TE=Textual Enhancement), input processing (PI=Input Processing Instruction) and 3P grammar teaching method) and compares the initial and delayed learning effects of the three teaching methods. The main answers are as follows: 1) text enhancement, input processing method and 3p grammar teaching method can improve the acquisition of unauthentic conditional adverbial clauses in senior high school students? 2) among the three teaching methods, Which teaching method has the best initial learning effect? 3) among the three teaching methods, which teaching method has the best delayed memory effect? In this study, three parallel classes in a senior middle school in Nanjing were selected as the input reinforcement group, the processing teaching group and the 3P grammar teaching group. The experiment was divided into three groups: pre-test, intervention, immediate test and delayed test. Each group was taught by the researcher, and the teaching method was based on the objective structure of if conditional adverbial clause. The experimental time was 40 minutes. The immediate post-test was conducted immediately after the end of the teaching to test the students' initial learning effect, and the delayed memory effect was tested one week later. The whole experiment lasted for a month and SPSS19.0 was used to analyze the data. It is found that the following: 1) in terms of overall effect, both Pi and 3P grammatical methods can promote grammar acquisition, but there is no significant difference between them. Compared with PI and 3P teaching method, te can promote grammar acquisition in the short term, but it has no obvious effect in the long run. Finally, TE.3) has the best effect on the comparison of delayed memory effects between 3P and PI, followed by TE.. It is found that explicit grammatical rules play an important role in promoting Chinese foreign language learners. Teachers can actively engage students in grammar learning through meaningful grammatical activities such as structural input.


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