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发布时间:2018-08-30 16:01
[Abstract]:This translation mission is the content of the role of news agencies from the perspective of history in the third chapter of Esperanza Belsa and Professor Susan Basnet's International News Translation. The chapter reviews the development of the world's mainstream news agencies such as AFP, Reuters and the Associated Press and analyzes the relationship between globalization and the media. Under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, the project has adopted the translation strategy of domestication as the main supplement, the lexical level mainly using the method of adding words, the method of saving words, the method of conversion, and the method of order translation at the syntactic level. The translation of broken sentences and transliteration involves grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion at the textual level, as well as the cultural level. Practice shows that translation is a complex cross-lingual, cross-cultural communicative thinking. To accomplish this task, translators need not only rich knowledge of language and culture, but also news and global information involved in translated texts. The first part is about the background and significance of the project, the author and content of the original, the second part is a description of the translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation bank and post-translation work; The third part-through the analysis of the original text to determine the translation of the theoretical framework and translation strategy, the fourth part, aimed at vocabulary, The translation difficulties and emphases of syntactic and textual aspects and the relevant translation methods are discussed. The last part is a summary of the experience of this translation practice.


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