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发布时间:2018-08-30 18:07
【摘要】:能源对一个国家的经济发展和社会稳定至关重要。随着经济的发展,能源消耗不断增加,随之而来的是日渐严重的环境问题和能源危机。自上世纪70年代能源危机爆发以来,非传统能源因为其清洁环保的特点吸引了全球的关注。现有的非常规能源研究大都围绕其发展前景、经济价值和技术展开,不利于非传统能源的基础知识和相关技术的推广。因此对于非传统能源的关注具有较好的理论意义和现实意义,选择了该书的第三章作为翻译材料。本文是一篇翻译报告。源语文本选自《废弃能源生命周期评估》(Waste Energy for Life Cycle Assessment),第三章。该章共分为八个小节,不含表格在内,共计18215字。该章主要介绍了各类非常规能源的产生、利用和发展前景。原文表达正式、客观准确且存在大量专有名词和复杂长句。原文内容涉及的学科领域很宽泛,包括物理、化学、生物、建筑、机械和航空航天。译者选择德国功能主义学派的目的论作为指导理论。在目的原则、连贯原则和忠诚原则的指导下,采用了词性转换、增译和减译、分句法和重组法等翻译方法完成了翻译。译者希望借此次翻译实践提高自己的翻译技巧,更加深刻地理解相关的翻译理论;并了解更多新能源方面的知识,扩宽自己的视野。同时译者希望译文能够为相关的学者和研究人员提供更多参考资料,并吸引更多人认识非传统能源并关注非传统能源的发展。本次翻译报告主要分为五个部分:第一章引言,包括本次翻译材料的背景信息、指导理论、翻译的目的和意义;第二章原文介绍;第三章翻译对整个翻译过程进行了描述;第四章翻译难点和方法,介绍了翻译过程中的主要难点,结合多个案例,介绍了实践过程中用到的翻译方法。第五章对本次翻译过程中的收获进行了总结,指出了未来的学习和生活中需要进一步学习和探索的问题。
[Abstract]:Energy is vital to a country's economic development and social stability. With the development of economy, energy consumption is increasing, followed by serious environmental problems and energy crisis. Since the energy crisis broke out in the 1970s, non-traditional energy has attracted global attention because of its clean and environmental characteristics. Most of the existing unconventional energy research focuses on its development prospects, economic value and technology, which is not conducive to the promotion of basic knowledge and related technologies of non-traditional energy. Therefore, the attention to unconventional energy has good theoretical and practical significance, and the third chapter of the book is chosen as translation material. This paper is a translation report. Source language selected from (Waste Energy for Life Cycle Assessment), Chapter 3, Life cycle Assessment of waste Energy. The chapter is divided into eight sections, excluding tables, a total of 18215 words. This chapter mainly introduces the generation, utilization and development prospect of various kinds of unconventional energy. The original is formal, objective and accurate, with a large number of proper nouns and complex long sentences. The original covers a wide range of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, architecture, machinery and aerospace. The translator chooses the Skopos theory of German functionalism as the guiding theory. Under the guidance of Skopos principle, coherence principle and loyalty principle, some translation methods, such as part of speech conversion, addition and subtraction, clause method and recombination method, are used to complete the translation. The translator hopes to use this translation practice to improve his translation skills, to better understand relevant translation theories, and to learn more about new energy sources and broaden his horizons. At the same time, the translator hopes that the translation will provide more references for scholars and researchers concerned, and attract more people to understand non-traditional energy and pay attention to the development of non-traditional energy. The translation report is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction, including the background information of the translation material, the guiding theory, the purpose and significance of the translation; the second chapter introduces the original text; the third chapter describes the whole translation process; The fourth chapter introduces the translation difficulties and methods, introduces the main difficulties in the process of translation, and introduces the translation methods used in the process of translation in combination with a number of cases. Chapter five summarizes the achievements of this translation process and points out the problems that need to be further studied and explored in future learning and life.


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1 王文蒲;;科技英语翻译中目的论的应用研究[J];校园英语;2017年02期




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