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发布时间:2018-09-01 06:18
[Abstract]:Foreign language phonetic acquisition is influenced by various linguistic and non-linguistic factors. Many studies have shown that music and language have much in common and that music and language may share brain processing mechanisms. Inspired by this, some foreign scholars begin to pay attention to the relationship between musical ability and foreign language (second language) acquisition ability, and have made some achievements. The research object of foreign scholars is quite different from that of Chinese students, most of whom learn Chinese as their mother tongue and English as a foreign language. And China has a large number of English learners. However, there are very few related studies in China. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the relationship between musical ability and English phonological ability in order to make up for the lack of research in this field. This study conducted three tests and a questionnaire on personal music experience. The three tests are: musical proficiency Test, receptive English Phonetics Test and output English phonological proficiency Test. The music ability test is based on the Advanced Music listening Test written by the famous American music educator Gordon. Two kinds of phonological ability tests and questionnaires were designed by the researchers themselves according to the relevant data. In order to ensure its reliability and validity, item analysis, reliability and validity analysis are carried out. The results show that both the test questions and the questionnaire have good discriminations, reliability and validity. After that, the correlation analysis and regression analysis of the data with SPSS17.0 are used to get the research results. There are three main findings in this study. First, the musical ability is correlated with the receptive English phonological ability and has a direct effect on the receptive English phonetic ability. Secondly, the musical ability is significantly related to the productive English phonological ability, and the musical ability has a more direct effect on the productive English phonetic ability. Thirdly, musical ability is highly related to musical experience, and musical experience has obvious influence on musical ability. The results of this study have both theoretical and pedagogical implications. In theory, this study proves once again that personal musical ability affects English phonetic ability. In view of this, we should consider whether to incorporate musical ability into individual differences affecting foreign language (second language) acquisition. In teaching, this research can inspire Chinese parents and schools to pay attention to music education and English phonetic education. In addition, it provides a new idea for English phonetics teaching, that is, English teachers can help students improve their English pronunciation ability with the help of music.


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