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发布时间:2018-09-01 07:24
【摘要】:媒体话语可以通过隐喻在消费者心中建构产品的形象,隐喻可以有效地定义产品与用户之间的关系,赋予产品主观性和控制权。随着苹果手表(AW)进入市场,媒体通过描写此种可穿戴设备的特征,建构手表的不同隐喻形象,突出设备与使用者的多元互动。本研究运用批评隐喻分析的方法,揭示设备相关的隐喻如何在产品消费和使用中颠覆主体和客体的相对地位,为权力关系研究提供了新的视角。过往研究中学者运用批评隐喻分析的方法考察了媒体话语,发现多种科技相关的隐喻,尤其是拟人化。但是以往研究拟人化的关注点是如何更好使用技术,而非反思人类与科技的关系。本文则以揭示人类与科技关系为研究目标,找寻媒体中可穿戴设备的隐喻模式,探究媒体话语中有何种可穿戴设备的隐喻,何为这些隐喻的源域(SD)和目标域(TD),以及构成这些隐喻的社会原因。本研究基于两个自建语料库,分别是从产品官方网页收集语料的官方广告语料库(OCC)和来自线上、线下评论文章的评论语料库(RC),共22,847词。经过标注和分析,OCC与RC中最突出的都是"苹果手表(AW)是人类"这个拟人隐喻系统。其中包含三个次级隐喻系统,"AW的一部分是人体的一部分"、"AW功能是人类行为",以及把产品整体当做一个人来对待的"AW是人类"。两个语料库中共有的其他隐喻系统包括"人体是地理空间"、"虚拟空间是物理空间"等。隐喻中体现智能设备的权力越来越大,设备的主动性变强。与OCC相比,RC中隐喻相关词的数量略小,并且更注重于描述功能的细节。RC中未发现OCC中的"使用苹果手表是一个旅程"这一隐喻系统,但有些个体隐喻独立于系统存在。可见评论者写作时与官方写作不同,选择隐喻更多为了生动表达使用的体验,而不是系统传达产品形象。为更好展示隐喻是如何颠覆权力关系,本研究详细考察"永不下线(Never Offline)"这篇评论文章。这个案例研究体现媒体如何操纵隐喻来建构产品形象。文中将可穿戴设备理解为有生命物体,否定产品公司在广告中构建的积极形象。其中主要隐喻"苹果手表是殖民者"通过展现可穿戴设备靠近用户、绑住用户手腕从而限制用户自由这一特点,颠覆设备与使用者的权力关系。文章中隐喻的模式反映了消费品和消费者之间的权力颠覆,智能设备一方面是朋友、教练,一方面也会成为人类和身体间的中间介质,影响人类和身体的关系。过去研究未从隐喻的角度考察技术与人类的关系,本研究可以发现人类-技术关系提出新的方法,并为用户在使用电子设备时提供警醒,以免被智能科技产品奴役。未来研究可以扩大视野,考察除了苹果手表之外的其他技术产品,观察是否有类似的隐喻模式,体现了人类与技术的何种关系。
[Abstract]:Media discourse can construct the image of product in the consumer's mind through metaphor. Metaphor can effectively define the relationship between product and user and endow the subjectivity and control of product. As the Apple Watch (AW) enters the market, the media describes the features of the wearable device, constructs different metaphorical images of the watch, and highlights the multiple interactions between the device and the user. The present study uses critical metaphor analysis to reveal how device-related metaphors subvert the relative status of subject and object in the consumption and use of products, thus providing a new perspective for the study of power relations. In the past, scholars used the critical metaphorical analysis method to investigate the media discourse, and found a variety of science and technology related metaphors, especially personification. But previous studies focused on how to make better use of technology rather than reflect on the relationship between human and technology. The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between human beings and technology, to find out the metaphorical patterns of wearable devices in media, and to explore the metaphors of wearable devices in media discourse. What are the source domain (SD) and target domain (TD), of these metaphors and the social reasons for these metaphors? The present study is based on two self-built corpora, (OCC), an official advertising corpus, which is collected from the official product web pages, and (RC), a comment corpus from online and offline review articles, which is composed of 22847 words. After tagging and analyzing, the most outstanding metaphorical system in RC and RC is "Apple Watch (AW) is Human". It contains three sub-metaphorical systems, "part of AW is part of human body", "AW function is human behavior", and "AW is human" which treats the whole product as a person. Other metaphorical systems common to the two corpora include "the human body is a geographical space" and "a virtual space is a physical space". Metaphors reflect the growing power of smart devices and the increased initiative of devices. Compared with OCC, the number of metaphorically related words in RC is a little smaller, and more attention is paid to the details of description. The metaphorical system of "using Apple Watch is a Journey" in OCC is not found in RC, but some individual metaphors are independent of the system. Therefore, different from official writing, reviewers choose metaphors to express their experiences more vividly than to convey product images systematically. In order to better demonstrate how metaphor subverts power relations, this study examines the review of (Never Offline). This case study shows how the media manipulate metaphors to construct product images. In this paper, wearable devices are understood as living objects, which negates the positive image of product companies in advertising. One of the main metaphors, "Apple Watch is the colonizer", subverts the power relationship between the device and the user by showing the wearable device near the user, binding the user's wrist and thus restricting the user's freedom. The metaphorical model of the article reflects the power subversion between consumer goods and consumers. Smart devices are friends coaches and mediators between human and body on the one hand and affect the relationship between human and body on the other. Previous studies have not examined the relationship between technology and human beings from a metaphorical point of view. This study can find out that the human-technology relationship provides a new approach and provides a wake-up call for users to use electronic devices so as not to be enslaved by intelligent technology products. Future research can broaden our horizons to examine other technological products other than the Apple Watch and see if there are similar metaphorical patterns that reflect the relationship between human beings and technology.


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