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发布时间:2018-09-01 17:08
[Abstract]:With the increasing strength of China's comprehensive national strength, the international level of the country is becoming higher and higher. As a result, more and more foreign friends have flocked to China in recent years. The first and most common contact they had was with public signs. In this case, the standardization and standardization of translation of public signs is particularly important. Chinese foreign language experts and scholars do not know much about the translation of public signs. However, most of them are concentrated in the fields of cities, tourism, transportation, commerce, schools, etc. There are few researches on the translation of public signs of medical institutions, and the problems in translating public signs of medical institutions in Tianjin are almost blank. Medical institutions as a rigorous, race against the clock, the translation of public signs can not tolerate the slightest sloppy. With the development of translation studies for nearly 100 years, the principles of translation theory in China and the West can be described as "a hundred schools of thought contend". We can find that every theory can touch with the translation of public signs. There are different theories to support each other. But most of these studies use theory to point out mistakes and "invent" a version that they think is right. However, these studies have neglected a very important factor, that is, whether the translation we "invented" has been accepted by the people in the target country. Aware of this point, Professor Linkanan put forward the principle of "reading translation and writing" (later to explain the translation of "not another", changed to "easy to read and write"), and specifically aimed at practical English translation. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten people to study the translation of public signs by focusing on the same or similar target languages as the source language, rather than working behind closed doors and pondering on their own. Under the guidance of the principle of "looking at easy to write" and taking the translation of public signs in 6 large medical institutions in Tianjin as an example, this paper analyzes many misunderstandings from the angles of word-level errors, word-for-word translation, improper use of words, lack of uniformity, and so on. Combined with real data from dozens of native English-speaking medical institutions or official websites, the recommendations are translated. This paper tries to demonstrate that the principle of "easy to see and write" has great guiding significance for translation of public signs through real data and systematic exposition. It is hoped that the reform of the translation of public signs in medical institutions will be put on the agenda. Correct the mistake, unify the norm, thus further enhance our city image. In the fifth chapter, the author summarizes the word-formation characteristics of medical terms and lists the prefixes, roots, suffixes and their respective meanings in the form of tables. The purpose of this paper is to explain that the formation of medical English has its own characteristics and rules. In translation, never translate word for word and do whatever you want.


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