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发布时间:2018-09-01 17:26
[Abstract]:English Noun compound (hereinafter referred to as Noun compound) is a kind of English compound word, which is widely used in people's daily communication, so it has attracted the attention of many scholars. In previous studies, only a few scholars have studied how conceptual integration theory (hereinafter referred to as CIT) explains the meaning of nominal-noun compound words, and the lack of empirical data support .CIT is "a kind of analogy, mental model," Conceptual Classification and Framework Cognitive manipulation. Since the meaning of a compound noun is not simply superimposed by two separate words, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the compound noun on the basis of its surface meaning. Moreover, for many English learners in China, it is difficult and troublesome to understand and memorize words. Therefore, it is very important to understand the hidden meaning of the common name compound word for the correct use of the compound word in daily communication. The purpose of this paper is to: (1) to analyze the characteristics of the meaning construction of noun compound words; (2) to analyze how CIT is applied to the meaning construction of noun compound words from the theoretical level, and to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of this application with data support in the empirical aspect. In this study, the qualitative and quantitative methods are used to analyze the noun compound. Qualitative aspects: according to the analysis and summary of the characteristics of meaning construction in the past, based on the Oxford High order English-Chinese double interpretation Dictionary (8th Edition), the "China Daily" word spy (a website) collects the noun compound words. Using four kinds of concept integration network in CIT to construct the meaning of name and name compound words; quantitative part: carry on the empirical research, adopt two names and names compound word vocabulary test and carry on the data collection, the data collected from the two tests are analyzed by SAS. It provides data support for the feasibility and validity of the application of CIT four concept integration networks to the construction of the meaning of nominal-noun compound. The main conclusions of this thesis are as follows: (1) the construction characteristics of Nomenclature compound words are as follows: simple compound type, semantic partial deviation type under metaphor or metonymy, and semantic global deviation type under metaphor or metonymy effect. Metaphor and metonymy play an important role in the global semantic deviation. (2) it is theoretically and empirically demonstrated that Noun compound words can be constructed by using CIT's four conceptual composition networks, and that CIT is effective in the construction of Nomenclature compound meanings. This thesis can provide a new angle of view for the study of name-name compound words, and analyzing the meaning construction characteristics of famous noun compound words is helpful to analyze how to use CIT to effectively analyze the meaning construction of famous noun compound words. It also proves that the use of CIT in English vocabulary learning is effective. To help English learners to find a cognitive method to analyze the real meaning of noun compound words and to provide a college teacher a tentative method of vocabulary teaching. For example, teachers can encourage students to expand their conceptual space and background knowledge, and use CIT to explain noun compound words in situational and cultural context, while for students, they can cultivate their interest in English vocabulary and CIT theory. Expand the imagination, use the knowledge of background graphics to understand and memorize the names and names of compound words more deeply.


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