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发布时间:2018-09-01 17:53
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the successful holding of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in China and the successful application for the Winter Olympics, the sports industry and sports events are booming, and the mass sports is booming. Both show the strong vitality of the development of sports cause in our country. There is a greater demand for the combination of sports and English as well as higher requirements for the cultivation of sports English majors. Sports English major aims to cultivate a solid English language foundation and a wide range of sports professional knowledge of the composite talents. However, the traditional teacher-centered teaching mode is still dominant in PE English teaching, with teachers imparting knowledge in combination with mechanical exercises, students passively accepting information and lacking interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. As a result, the students' interest in some courses is not high, the initiative is slightly poor, the participation is low, and the overall learning effect is also affected. Project-based learning is teacher-led and student-oriented. It seeks answers to questions and integrates skills in a series of project activities. In recent years, through the in-depth analysis of many experts and researchers at home and abroad, the concept, characteristics, advantages and so on have been studied, and the feasibility analysis has been carried out to introduce them into some fields. However, the research on the introduction of PE into PE English teaching is rare. This paper will try to apply project-based learning to PE English teaching, explore the path of introducing project-based learning into PE English daily teaching, and seek a more effective PE English teaching mode. This article mainly uses the literature research method to research the domestic and foreign project learning present situation, the related theory and so on has carried on the research combing. The present situation of PE English teaching is analyzed by using questionnaires and interviews among the students. In order to verify the learning effect of introducing this model, 98 students majoring in physical education English in Shandong Institute of physical Education were used as the experimental subjects. The experiment lasted for 11 weeks. Different teaching modes were used in experimental class and control class. Collect relevant data by using both pre-and post-test and classroom observation. Through data analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: compared with the traditional teaching mode, the project-based learning model can improve the students' comprehensive English ability and professional accomplishment, and the project-based learning model can stimulate the learning interest in PE English teaching. The project-based learning model is an extension and a beneficial supplement to classroom teaching. But at the same time, this research also has some limitations, the author puts forward some suggestions on the future research according to the teaching practice.


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