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发布时间:2018-09-05 10:17
【摘要】:Sperber和Wilson的关联理论认为言语交际是一个明示-推理的过程。从说话者的角度来看,交际是一个明示的过程,而从听话者的角度来看,交际则是一个推理的过程。于此相似,阅读理解的过程也是作者与读者之间进行书面交际的过程。从作者的角度看阅读理解是一个明示的过程,而从读者角度来看,阅读理解则是一个推理的过程。作者常常省略了一些他认为读者早已经知道的信息或者解释,因此读者需要借助他们的百科知识、逻辑知识和词汇知识去推测隐藏在字面意思里的作者的意图。从这点来说,阅读理解也是一个明示-推理的过程。在关联理论的框架下,阅读理解的过程除了是明示-推理的过程外,也是一个寻求最佳关联和选择语境的过程。阅读理解的本质是推理。读者运用推理来理解作者在文章中传递的明示意图。因此,推理能力会影响到读者对文章的理解。本研究中,推理能力也即语用推理能力,指学生能够根据可得到的事实或消息,借助一些阅读策略及他们的逻辑、百科和词汇知识去做出预测或者解释的能力。为了了解大学非英语专业一年级学生英语阅读理解中语用推理能力的现有水平以及是否在不同类型的推理题目中学生的语用推理能力保持不变,作者设计了如下的研究问题:1)非英语专业一年级学生阅读理解中的语用推理能力的现状如何?2)语用推理能力在不同类型的推理题目,即细节推理题、猜测词义题、态度推理题和主旨推理题中表现是否不同?3)造成这种现象的原因何在?为了探寻问题的答案,一共有205名受试参加了这一研究。研究工具是阅读理解的测试题和调查问卷。所有的数据是通过SPSS 20.0这一统计软件分析的。结果如下:1)学生的语用推理能力总体水平不高,需要提高。2)学生的语用推理能力在不同类型的推理题目中是不一样的。在细节推理题目中,语用推理能力最强。在主旨推理题目中语用推理能力最弱。在猜测词义中展现出的语用推理能力要强于态度推理题目中的语用推理能力。3)教师经常讲授做细节题目的策略,是学生细节推理能力较强的重要原因。在阅读课上,教师经常组织猜测词义的活动,并且在猜词的过程中为学生提供猜词线索,这使得学生词义猜测的推理能力较强虽不如细节推理能力。学生态度推理能力较弱的主要原因在于找不到合适的依据来判断作者的态度。学生主旨推理能力最弱的原因在于教师没有尽量多的提供背景知识,很少分析文章结构以及很少训练学生概括文章主要内容的能力。根据对问卷调查的分析,对于英语阅读教学作者提出了几点建议。首先,老师在阅读课上要适当讲授构词法的知识。其次,老师要指导学生寻找正确的关键词。再次,阅读课前老师要提供与文章相关的背景知识。最后,老师要训练学生概括文章主要内容的能力。
[Abstract]:Sperber and Wilson's relevance theory holds that verbal communication is an ostensive-inferential process. From the perspective of the speaker, communication is an explicit process, and from the perspective of the hearer, communication is a process of reasoning. Similarly, the process of reading comprehension is a process of written communication between the author and the reader. From the author's point of view, reading comprehension is an explicit process, while from the reader's point of view, reading comprehension is a process of reasoning. The author often omits information or explanations that he thinks the reader already knows, so readers need to use their encyclopedic knowledge, logic knowledge and lexical knowledge to speculate on the author's intentions hidden in the literal meaning. From this point of view, reading comprehension is also an ostensive-inferential process. Within the framework of relevance theory, the process of reading comprehension is not only an ostensive-inferential process, but also a process of seeking the best relevance and choosing context. The essence of reading comprehension is reasoning. The reader uses reasoning to understand the schematics conveyed by the author in the article. Therefore, the ability of reasoning will affect the reader's understanding of the article. In this study, the ability of reasoning, that is, pragmatic reasoning, refers to the ability of students to make predictions or explanations based on available facts or information, with the help of some reading strategies and their logic, encyclopedic and lexical knowledge. In order to understand the current level of pragmatic reasoning ability of non-English major freshmen in English reading comprehension and whether the pragmatic inference ability of middle school students in different types of reasoning topics remains unchanged. The author designs the following research questions: 1) what is the present situation of pragmatic reasoning ability in reading comprehension of non-English major freshmen? 2) pragmatic reasoning ability in different types of reasoning topics, namely, detailed reasoning, conjecture, meaning, etc. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? To find out, 205 participants took part in the study. The research tools are reading comprehension tests and questionnaires. All the data were analyzed by SPSS 20.0 statistical software. The results are as follows: (1) the students' ability of pragmatic reasoning is not high in general and needs to be improved. 2) the students' competence of pragmatic reasoning is different in different types of reasoning topics. Among the detailed reasoning topics, pragmatic reasoning is the strongest. Pragmatic reasoning is the weakest in the topic of general purpose reasoning. The ability of pragmatic reasoning in guessing the meaning of words is better than that in the topic of attitude reasoning. 3) the teachers often teach the strategies of doing detailed questions, which is the important reason for the students' strong ability of detailed reasoning. In reading class, teachers often organize activities to guess the meaning of words, and provide students with clues to guess words in the process of guessing words, which makes students' reasoning ability of guessing word meaning is not as good as that of detailed reasoning. The main reason why students' attitude reasoning ability is weak is that they can not find a suitable basis to judge the author's attitude. The weakest reason for the students' inferential ability lies in the fact that the teachers do not provide as much background knowledge as possible, rarely analyze the structure of the article and rarely train the students to generalize the main content of the article. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire, some suggestions are put forward for the author of English reading teaching. First of all, the teacher in the reading class to properly teach word-formation knowledge. Second, the teacher should guide the students to find the correct keyword. Thirdly, the teacher should provide background knowledge about the article before reading class. Finally, the teacher should train the students to summarize the main content of the article.


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