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发布时间:2018-09-05 17:30
【摘要】:词汇教学法近年来越来越得到语言学界的重视。当代著名语言学家迈克尔·刘易斯,1993年首次提出词块教学法。国内外的学者已就此具有广泛的实证研究。然而,之前与词块有关的大量研究中其研究对象主要集中在在校大学生,对刚刚学习英语的小学生的研究甚少。而小学阶段是学生学习英语的开始阶段,对这一群体进行词块教学的关注无疑会对小学英语教学研究有着极为重要的借鉴意义。本文以词块教学以及信息加工为理论框架对词块教学在小学生英语词汇学习的影响进行研究。词块教学理论强调教学的重点应该是搭配、固定表达、句子框架和引语这样的多语词块。因此,本研究目的提出三个研究问题:(1)词块教学法在小学词汇教学中的运用能促进学生更好地识记单词吗?(2)把词块教学运用到小学词汇教学中是否能帮助学生更加准确地运用单词?(3)词块教学法是否能促进小学生的语块意识的提高?为了证实词块教学法对小学生英语词汇学习的作用,本研究选择两个平行班的90名小学六年级学生参加该实验,笔者进行了为期12周的实证研究对比分析实验组(45人)和对照组(45人)的效果。在实验过程中,实验班运用词块教学法进行词汇教学,以词块为主线,引导学生通过一系列活动来辨认、探索和强化词块从而达到帮助学生学习单词的目的。控制班则运用传统的词汇教学法。实验前后对研究对象进行前测和后测,前测的目的在于保证两组受试在实验之前的同质性,后测则为了观察在经过词块教学后实验班学生在单词记忆,运用上是否有提高,并用SPSS 22.0对数据进行统计分析。通过独立样本T检验发现实验组和控制组在实验后的两次单词测验中都存在显著性差异。证明了通过词块教学法对小学生记忆词汇的有效性,同时,学生以词块为单位进行记忆之后,就能够整体的提取这些词汇,并正确运用到完形填空的任务中,提高了学生正确使用词汇的能力。从调查问卷结果可看出,实验班学生在英语学习中的词汇意识相较于实验前有显著提高。最后,基于实验过程和研究结果,笔者就如何更好地将今后的研究提出了以下三条建议。第一,应当适当延长研究时间以确保实验的信度;第二,该实验操作应当应用到其他学校的其他年级中,以检验其是否起到同样的作用;第三,调查问卷应当在前人基础上进一步细化到具体学科,以确保其准确性。
[Abstract]:Vocabulary teaching method has been paid more and more attention by the linguists in recent years. Michael Lewis, a famous contemporary linguist, first proposed the lexical chunks teaching method in 1993. Scholars at home and abroad have extensive empirical research on this issue. However, previous studies on lexical chunks mainly focus on college students, and few studies have been conducted on pupils who have just learned English. The primary school stage is the beginning stage for students to learn English. The focus on lexical chunks teaching for this group will undoubtedly be of great significance to the study of English teaching in primary schools. Based on the theoretical framework of lexical chunks teaching and information processing, this paper studies the effects of lexical chunks teaching on primary school students' English vocabulary learning. Lexical chunk teaching theory emphasizes that the emphasis of teaching should be on collocation, fixed expression, sentence frame, and multilingual lexical chunks such as quotation. therefore The purpose of this study is to put forward three research questions: (1) can the use of lexical chunks in vocabulary teaching in primary schools promote students to better memorize words? (2) can the application of lexical chunks in primary vocabulary teaching help students to be more accurate? (3) can the lexical chunks teaching method promote the pupils' awareness of lexical chunks? In order to verify the effect of lexical chunks on English vocabulary learning in primary school students, 90 sixth graders from two parallel classes were selected to participate in the experiment. A 12-week empirical study was conducted to compare the effects of the experimental group (45 cases) and the control group (45 cases). In the course of the experiment, the experimental class uses the lexical chunks teaching method to carry on the vocabulary teaching, takes the lexical chunks as the main line, guides the students to identify, explore and strengthen the lexical chunks through a series of activities, so as to help the students to learn the words. The control class uses the traditional vocabulary teaching method. The purpose of pre-test and post-test was to ensure the homogeneity of the two groups before and after the experiment, and the post-test was to observe whether the students in the experimental class had improved their memory of words after the teaching of lexical chunks. The data were statistically analyzed with SPSS 22. 0. Independent sample T test showed that there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the two word tests after the experiment. It is proved that the lexical chunks teaching method is effective for pupils to memorize vocabulary. At the same time, after students memorize lexical chunks, they can extract these words as a whole and apply them to the task of cloze filling. It improves the students' ability to use vocabulary correctly. It can be seen from the results of the questionnaire that the vocabulary awareness of the students in the experimental class is significantly higher than that before the experiment. Finally, based on the experimental process and research results, the author puts forward the following three suggestions on how to better study the future. First, the duration of the study should be extended appropriately to ensure the reliability of the experiment; second, the experimental operation should be applied to other grades in other schools to test whether it played the same role; and thirdly, The questionnaire should be further refined to specific subjects on the basis of predecessors to ensure its accuracy.


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