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发布时间:2018-09-07 13:45
【摘要】:口译作为跨文化交际的桥梁与纽带,在当今开放的世界格局中扮演着越来越重要的角色。在过去的几十年中,口译已经引起了学界的广泛关注,关于口译的研究也日益深入。然而,有关于交替传译的延时区间的讨论却鲜有涉猎,本研究试图从这一切入口展开讨论,以期对口译实践和研究做出一些微小的贡献。本研究主要关注英汉交替传译中学生口译员使用不同延时区间对口译输出质量的影响,通过实证研究,试图回答以下两个问题:1.不同延时区间对口译输出质量有何影响?2.是否存在最优延时区间影响口译输出质量?如果存在最优延时区间,那么该区间与其他区间相比,会在多大程度上对口译表现产生影响?本研究通过实验前测确定了 12名口译水平相当的实验对象,这些二语高级学习者均来自英语翻译专业,受过专业的口译训练,具备优秀的双语能力。实验材料的选择从语音变异、语速、话轮长度、语法等方面进行探究,选定的初阶难度和中阶难度的英文有声材料均符合实验要求,也保证了实验的科学性和可靠性。同时,考虑到实验对象的口译水平和能力以及口译任务的现场性,实验中英汉交替传译延时区间被划分为三个层次:较短延时区间(3-5秒),中等延时区间(8-10秒)以及较长延时区间(13-15秒)。通过实验和数据分析,本研究得到以下发现:1.延时区间和口译输出质量呈现非线性相关趋势。随着延时区间不断延长,从信息完整度层面来说,译文中信息遗漏现象不断增加;从语言组织层面来说,译文中的语言错误逐渐减少。2.对于学生口译员来说,8至10秒的延时区间可以被视为最理想的延时区间。这是因为,译员受到的来自时间和短期记忆内容压力均相对较小,在进行英汉交替传译的过程中有利于发挥出最佳水平,同时,也可避免译员开始翻译前过长的“冷场”现象。本研究发现并描述英汉交替传译中不同延时区间对于口译输出质量的影响。同时,研究研究成果将运用于对口译员的训练,使他们对英汉交替传译过程中时间管理和精力分配有一个更深入的了解,从而获得高质量的口译成果。
[Abstract]:As a bridge and tie of cross-cultural communication, interpretation plays an increasingly important role in the open world. In the past few decades, interpreting has attracted wide attention, and the research on interpreting has been deepening day by day. However, there is little discussion on the delay interval of consecutive interpretation, and this study attempts to make some small contributions to the practice and research of interpretation. The present study focuses on the effects of different delay intervals on the output quality of students in English-Chinese consecutive interpretation. Through an empirical study, the author tries to answer two questions: 1. What is the effect of different delay intervals on the quality of interpretation output? Is there an optimal delay interval that affects the quality of interpretation output? If there is an optimal delay interval, to what extent will it have an impact on interpretation performance compared with other intervals? In this study, 12 subjects with similar level of interpretation were identified by pre-experiment tests. All of these L2 advanced learners were from English translation major, had professional interpretation training and had excellent bilingual ability. The selection of experimental materials from the aspects of phonetic variation, speech speed, turret length, grammar and so on. The selected English audio materials of initial and middle order difficulty all meet the requirements of the experiment, and also ensure the scientific and reliability of the experiment. Taking into account, at the same time, the level and competence of the subjects of the experiment, as well as the onsite nature of interpretation tasks, In the experiment, the delay interval is divided into three levels: the shorter delay interval (3-5 seconds), the medium delay interval (8-10 seconds) and the longer delay interval (13-15 seconds). Through experiments and data analysis, the following findings are obtained: 1: 1. The delay interval and the quality of interpretation output show a nonlinear correlation trend. With the extension of the delay interval, the phenomenon of information omission in the translation is increasing in terms of the degree of information completeness, and in terms of language organization, the number of language errors in the translation is decreasing gradually. For a student interpreter, a delay of 8 to 10 seconds can be considered as the optimal delay range. This is due to the fact that the pressure on interpreters from both temporal and short-term memory is relatively small, which is conducive to achieving the best level in the process of English-Chinese consecutive interpretation, and at the same time, it can also avoid the phenomenon of "cold air" which is too long before the interpreter begins to translate. The present study finds and describes the effects of different delay intervals on the output quality of English-Chinese consecutive interpretation. At the same time, the research results will be applied to the training of interpreters so that they can have a better understanding of time management and energy allocation in the process of English-Chinese consecutive interpretation, so as to obtain high quality interpretation results.


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