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发布时间:2018-09-08 13:46
[Abstract]:The translation of prescription names into English is one of the core problems in the translation of TCM, and the key to the dissemination and promotion of TCM. First of all, this paper analyzes and summarizes the existing problems in the translation of the names of prescriptions, such as the limited number of translated names, the confusion and inconsistency of the target language, the long and incomprehensible meanings of the translated names, and the cultural misinterpretation. Secondly, from the point of view of the name naming of traditional Chinese medicine prescription and its popularization, this paper compares and analyzes some common English translation versions containing the names of digital prescriptions, in order to draw the attention of the Chinese medicine, in order to explore the contents of medicine and science that can reflect the names of prescriptions. It can also highlight the translation strategy of TCM cultural connotation, thus promoting the standardization and standardization of the translation of TCM prescription names into English.
【作者单位】: 陕西中医药大学;


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