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发布时间:2018-09-08 13:12
【摘要】:语调是语言的物质外壳,在实际语言交际中起着举足轻重的作用。英语降调,作为最基本的语调类型之一,对于二语学习者而言是较难准确习得的。本文报道了一项关于汉语二语学习者英语降调产出的实验研究,主要探究以下三个研究问题:1.在多大程度上汉语二语学习者能够正确产出英语降调?2.汉语二语学习者英语降调产出有哪些声学特征?3.汉语二语学习者英语降调产出中有哪些典型错误?本实验的研究对象为30名汉语二语学习者,他们朗读了5种不同语音环境下的英语降调。标准语料库为4名剑桥大学的英语语音学家所录制。实验语料包括8个英语降调的简单词,4个英语降调的短句子,8种不同语调结构的降调句子,7种不同调尾结构的英语降调句子,9个英语降调句子(3种句子类型)。汉语二语学习者和英语语音学家的实验语料分别录音于江苏科技大学语音科学实验室和剑桥大学语音实验室。录制好的实验语料首先借助软件Praat 5130进行标注并进行数据分析,然后运用Excel和SPSS 12.0分析得出研究结果。本实验数据分析结果如下:在英语降调的产出上,汉语二语学习者的英语降调总体产出正确率为69.44%。在简单词,短句,不同语调结构的句子,不同调尾结构的句子以及3种不同类型的句子中,降调的产出正确率分别为89.17%,81.67%,74.58%,44.29%,61.48%。研究发现,(1)在五种不同语音环境下,简单词中的降调产出最好,不同调尾结构句子中的降调产出最差;(2)在简单词和短句中的降调,降调承载词音节越多,降调产出正确率越低;(3)在不同语调结构的句子和不同调尾结构的句子中的降调,调尾对降调的实现有重要影响,无调尾结构的句子降调产出正确率比有调尾结构的句子高。在声学上,很少有汉语二语学习者能够像标准语者一样准确产出音高、音长和音强。具体来说,单样本t检验的结果显示,由于受母语的节奏模式负迁移影响,在大多数情况下,汉语二语学习者与标准语者在五种不同语音环境的英语降调中,在音高域值、时长和音强上存在显著性差异。数据的对比分析结果揭示汉语二语学习者在英语降调产出中有四种典型错误。其中,51.56%的错误类型为汉语二语学习者将降调误读为升调,升降调或平调。20.68%的错误类型为不正确的调核位置。12.46%的错误类型为英语降调产出中出现过多且不正确的停顿。15.30%的错误产出为在调核上正确实现了降调,然而在调尾上却没能继续使用降调。本研究发现的教学启示如下:首先,汉语二语学习者由于受母语负迁移的影响,过度延长调核音节时长,且易产出错误的调核。其次,汉语二语学习者降调的低产出水平要求对英语教师进行系统的培训以提高他们的语调素养和教学质量。再次,汉语二语学习者在英语降调的产出中出现的错误调型表明英语教师应该更多地关注英语语音中超音段特征,如重音和语调,这对英语二语学习者而言能够更有效地掌握英语语调。因此,本研究的发现对中国英语学习环境中英语语调的学习和教学有着深刻的意义。
[Abstract]:Intonation is the material shell of a language and plays an important role in actual language communication. As one of the most basic types of intonation, it is difficult for second language learners to acquire it accurately. This paper reports an experimental study on the production of English intonation reduction by Chinese second language learners. Questions: 1. To what extent can Chinese second language learners produce English tone drops correctly? 2. What are the acoustic characteristics of Chinese second language learners'English tone drops? 3. What are the typical errors of Chinese second language learners' English tone drops? The subjects of this experiment are 30 Chinese second language learners who read out five different phonetic environments. The standard corpus was recorded by four English phonetists from Cambridge University. The experimental corpus consisted of eight simple words with falling tones, four short sentences with falling tones, eight sentences with falling tones of different intonation structures, seven English sentences with different ending structures, nine English sentences with falling tones (three sentence types). Chinese Second Language Science The experimental corpus of the learners and English phonetists were recorded in the Phonetic Science Laboratory of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and the Phonetic Laboratory of Cambridge University. The second part: In terms of the output of English drawdown, the overall output accuracy of Chinese second language learners is 69.44%. In simple words, short sentences, sentences with different intonation structures, sentences with different tone structures and three different types of sentences, the output accuracy of drawdown is 89.17%, 81.67%, 74.58%, 44.29%, 61.48% respectively. In different phonetic environments, the lowering tone output of simple words is the best, and the lowering tone output of sentences with different tone-ending structures is the worst; (2) In simple words and sentences, the more syllables the lowering tone bears, the lower the accuracy of the lowering tone output; (3) In sentences with different tone-structure and sentences with different tone-ending structures, the lowering tone output of the lowering tone is real. Acoustically, few Chinese second language learners can produce pitch, length and intensity as accurately as standard speakers. Specifically, the results of the single-sample t-test show that due to the negative transfer of the rhythm patterns of the mother tongue, the accuracy of the production is higher. In most cases, there are significant differences in pitch range, duration and intensity between Chinese second language learners and standard speakers in five different phonetic environments. The results of the comparative analysis of the data reveal that there are four typical errors in the production of English pitch drop by Chinese second language learners. 12.46% of the errors were caused by too many and incorrect pauses in the output of English falling tones. The teaching implications are as follows: firstly, Chinese second language learners, influenced by negative transfer of their mother tongue, overextend the duration of syllables and tend to produce erroneous tones. Secondly, the low output level of Chinese second language learners'tone reduction requires systematic training of English teachers to improve their intonation literacy and teaching quality. The erroneous tone patterns in the production of English drawdowns by L2 learners indicate that English teachers should pay more attention to the super-syllabic features of English pronunciation, such as stress and intonation, which can help L2 learners master English intonation more effectively. And teaching is of profound significance.


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