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发布时间:2018-09-08 15:57
[Abstract]:Language is the carrier of information and an indispensable part of everyday life. Different occasions, different interpersonal relationships will affect what language people choose to use. Among them, the conversation between lovers is the most special and attracts many scholars'attention. In other words, language and behavior are inseparable. Then Searle perfected and proposed indirect speech act on the basis of Austin's speech act theory. Traditional grammar, semantics, pragmatics and cognitive pragmatics are combined to study their applications. However, the study of the indirect speech acts of lovers is not comprehensive. This paper takes the social distance between lovers as a breakthrough point, and explores the existence of non-public strategies in Brown Levinson's face theory as a theoretical basis. The use of indirect speech acts in conversations between men and women in romantic or potential romantic relationships is investigated. This study is based on daily conversations between men and women in different stages of love in the American TV series Gossip Girls. To explore the distribution of the 15 sub-strategies of non-public strategies in the indirect speech acts of men and women, and to supplement these sub-strategies accordingly, and to analyze the use of strategies with examples. The sub-strategy classification of non-public strategies is also applicable to the classification of indirect speech act strategies, but it is not comprehensive. In love dialogues, women use more indirect speech acts than men, and whether men or women, whether in love conflict or peace, the most frequently used strategy is "providing suggestions". Second, in love dialogues, women use more indirect speech acts than men. In the period of love conflict, the distribution of male private strategy is more balanced than that of female. In the period of peace of love, male and female use the same private strategy. Men prefer to express humor through indirect speech act, while women often avoid positive conflict. Third, in different love periods, the same private strategy is used in the same private time. This study explores the use of indirect speech acts in daily conversations between men and women in love. It is helpful to broaden the scope of the study of indirect speech acts and to supplement the sub-strategies in the non-public strategy. Secondly, it is proved that the non-public strategy in face theory has certain applicability to the indirect speech acts through concrete corpus. Finally, in real life, it can also provide a discourse reference for men and women in love. To provide couples with correct communication strategies to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. However, there are still some shortcomings in this paper, and the indirect speech acts of men and women conversations in romantic relationships need to be further explored and studied.


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