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发布时间:2018-09-08 18:46
[Abstract]:Language is a part of culture as well as a carrier of culture. With the globalization of the world economy, more and more people begin to realize the importance of culture in English communication. To some extent, language teaching is actually culture teaching. Culture teaching is to cultivate students'cultural awareness, enhance students' cultural knowledge, strengthen students'understanding of different cultures, and enhance students' awareness and ability of cross-cultural communication. More and more scholars have proved the importance of cultural teaching in the process of language learning from different aspects. Although the Ministry of Education has made a clear stipulation, there are still many problems in the actual English teaching due to various objective reasons. In addition, reading comprehension has occupied an increasing proportion in the study of English learners'comprehensive abilities, and people are putting more and more emphasis on it. The more attention is paid to the teaching of English reading comprehension. A large number of experimental studies have shown that for students, the obstacles to English reading lie not only in vocabulary and grammar, but also in the lack of cultural background knowledge. Ignoring the differences between Chinese and Western cultures can also lead to misunderstandings in the process of learning and communicating. Therefore, as an English teacher, one should consciously and purposefully introduce to students as much as possible the cultural background knowledge of the English-speaking countries and the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, and try his best to promote students'understanding of the language and cultural areas. Therefore, cultural teaching in high school English reading teaching should be an important research topic. This topic is especially important for reading class in high school English teaching. This study is based on the domestic research. From the perspective of high school English reading teaching, the following questions are studied with questionnaires and interviews: what are the understanding and attitudes of high school students and English teachers toward culture teaching? What are the teaching methods used by English teachers in culture teaching? What are the main factors affecting and restricting teachers'cultural teaching in English reading teaching? The results of the survey show that most teachers and students have realized the importance of cultural teaching and have a strong interest in cultural teaching. However, in the actual process of English reading teaching, due to the influence of various factors, the degree of cultural teaching is still the same. The main reasons are as follows: first, teachers'cultural knowledge is insufficient, and lack of systematic and effective cultural teaching strategies; second, the cultural background knowledge involved in high school English textbooks is not enough, and cultural content is not new enough, there is no appropriate cultural teaching. This paper analyzes the current situation of cultural teaching in high school English reading teaching, studies the basis of the study, and combines the views of some teachers with rich teaching experience, and finally puts forward some suggestions. It is hoped that it will play a certain role in promoting cultural teaching in senior high school English reading.


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