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发布时间:2018-09-09 16:59
[Abstract]:The main features of today's society are globalization, mobility and networking. These changes and developments greatly affect people's communication mode and present multi-modal features. They can transmit information more effectively through the cooperation of image, sound, action and other communication resources. The form of communication is constantly changing, which to a great extent affects our classroom teaching and classroom discourse analysis. Traditionally, classroom discourse analysis is closely related to classroom language or discourse, but multimodal discourse analysis takes into account a variety of communication modes, including teachers' classroom language behavior and non-verbal behavior, because these modes are resources for meaning generation. Therefore, this paper takes three excellent English teachers in senior high school as the research object, and explores the overall situation of the mode use of the excellent teachers in reading class by classroom observation, in order to provide enlightenment to the English teaching in senior high school. Based on social semiotics, visual grammar and Zhang Delu's theory of multi-modal discourse analysis, this paper focuses on the following questions: (1) in the reading class taught by senior English teachers in senior high school; What is the overall situation of modal use? (2) what metafunctive meanings are realized by different modes in the reading class taught by high school English teachers? (3) how do different modes co-produce metafunctional meanings in the reading classes taught by senior English teachers in senior high schools? In this paper, quantitative and qualitative research methods are used, mainly qualitative research. In the aspect of quantitative research, the author adopts the multimedia tagging software ELAN.. In qualitative research, the author first analyzes the metafunctional meaning generated by a single modal, and then analyzes the relationship between different modes and the significance of interaction. The results show that: first, in the three videos, in addition to language modes, teachers also use non-verbal modes, including limb mode, visual mode, auditory mode and classroom environment. Secondly, different modes express different metafunctional meanings, namely, reproduction meaning, interactive meaning and composition meaning. Third, the relationship between different modes can be divided into two categories: complementary relationship and non-complementary relationship. In general, the language usually acts as the main mode except when the video file is played on the screen. Eyes, expressions, head movements, spatial relationships, combination of images and texts, and expanded and reinforced relationships between classroom settings and language. In addition, the relationship between gesture and language belongs to the primary and secondary reinforcement in the complementary relationship. Finally, the relationship between visual text and language belongs to the overlapping relation in the non-complementary relationship or the prominent reinforcement relationship in the complementary relationship. When the video file is the main mode in the classroom, the sound and image in the video file form the coordinated unstrengthened relationship in the complementary relationship. Among them, the narration in the music and video forms the joint non-reinforcement relation in the complementary relationship. The implications of the above conclusions for English teaching are as follows: first teachers should pay attention to the use of non-verbal modes including body mode visual mode auditory mode and classroom environment. In addition, the teacher should choose the mode according to the teaching content and the teaching goal. Finally, teachers should raise the awareness of designing courseware with both entertainment and information.


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