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发布时间:2018-09-10 07:59
[Abstract]:Sandalwood punishment is one of the masterpieces of Mo Yan, the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. It contains a large number of culturally exclusive items with Chinese characteristics, which brings great challenges to the translation of works into English. As the sole translator of most of Mo Yan's works, the American sinologist and translator, GE Haowen, is responsible for translating sandalwood punishment into English. In translating a large number of culture-specific items, the author mainly adopts two translation strategies: domestication and foreignization. Domestication is a translation strategy oriented by the target language, which tends to adopt the expression mode which is in line with the cultural habits of the target language, in order to make the translation easier to understand and to be accepted by the target language readers. Alienation refers to the translation strategy which takes the source language as its orientation and requires the translator to try his best to embody the cultural characteristics of the source language and to keep the exotic tone of the translated work as far as possible. The functions and purposes of the two strategies are different. How to use these two strategies in order to carry out effective cultural exchange and communication is a great test for translators. Through the selection, classification and quantitative and qualitative analysis of all the cultural exclusive items in the book, the author finds that the cultural exclusive items are divided into six categories, except the ecological cultural exclusive items. The proportion of other major categories of foreignization translation is greater than that of domesticated translation; the most commonly used translation methods in translating culture-specific items include literal translation, free translation and transliteration; in the translation of culture-specific items, subcategories such as clothing, buildings, commodities, etc. In names, place names, time representations, weights and measures, historical and mythical figures, religious elements, colloquial sayings, exhortations and expletives, Gehor tends to use dissimilation strategies to preserve the Chinese character of the original text, while translating other subcategories such as diet. Social identity, appellation, punishment, four-character idioms, euphemism, metonymy and ecological vocabulary tend to eliminate the reading confusion caused by cultural inequality. In general, the translation of culture-specific items in sandalwood punishment is mainly foreignization translation, supplemented by domesticated translation. The two translation purposes are different from each other. In the process of translation, it is difficult for a translator to translate a good work with only one translation strategy. Only by combining domestication and alienation strategy can a good translation be presented to the reader. In the process of use, some omissions are inevitable, but the translation of the text has successfully realized the effective cultural exchange and dissemination. In this study, all the culture-specific items in sandalwood punishment are collected and sorted out, and a relatively complete analysis is made, and the specific operational techniques and methods of alienation and domestication are analyzed, in order to obtain a more complete and objective conclusion than previous studies. It also hopes to provide ideas and inspiration for English translation of cultural specific items in other Chinese works.


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