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发布时间:2018-09-10 10:58
【摘要】:本实践报告基于作者在2017年1月16日参与的一次工作交流。此次交流涉及到的内容是汽车电子电气功能规范里面的VSG(Vehicle Sound Generator)功能,即:汽车声音发生器。所涉及文档是由工程师余响编写,负责对该功能规范进行审校的是印度籍专家Srikanthan.T(文中以Indian expert指代)。实践报告分为五章,分别是:任务描述、过程描述、译前准备、案例分析和实践总结。第一章与第二章介绍了本次翻译任务的来源、要求、翻译过程以及译后回顾。第三章为译前准备,描述了在进行工作交流前针对背景知识、专业词汇、逻辑关系、不同版本的功能规范文稿等几个方面所做的准备。第四章案例分析指出了口译过程中出现的问题,意在找出解决这些问题的方法。针对本次实践中出现的问题共讨论了四类,分别是:译文组织不够流畅、交替传译过程的节奏把握不足、误译和漏译以及对个别印度英语口音的识辨能力还有待加强等,随后针对这些问题给出了改进方案并指出了在翻译过程中所面对的一些翻译困难。第五章实践总结,针对交替传译中出现的问题,归纳梳理了改进和提升能力的方法,即:积累专业知识、熟悉印度口音、遵循翻译原则、养成翻译习惯、熟知习惯表达。
[Abstract]:This practice report is based on a working exchange in which the author participated on January 16, 2017. This communication involves the VSG (Vehicle Sound Generator) function in the automotive electronic and electrical function specification, that is, the car sound generator. The document in question was written by engineer Yu Sheng, who was responsible for revising the function specification by Indian expert Srikanthan.T (referred to as Indian expert). The practice report is divided into five chapters: task description, process description, pre-translation preparation, case analysis and practice summary. The first and second chapters introduce the source, requirements, translation process and post-translation review of this translation task. The third chapter describes the preparation of background knowledge, professional vocabulary, logical relations, different versions of functional specifications, etc. The fourth chapter points out the problems in interpreting process and tries to find out how to solve these problems. This paper discusses four kinds of problems in this practice, namely, the organization of the translation is not smooth, the rhythm of consecutive interpretation is insufficient, the misinterpretation and missing translation, and the recognition ability of individual accents in Indian English need to be strengthened, etc. Then the improvement scheme is given and some translation difficulties are pointed out. The fifth chapter summarizes the problems in consecutive interpretation and summarizes the methods of improving and improving ability, that is, to accumulate professional knowledge, to be familiar with Indian accent, to follow the principles of translation, to develop translation habits and to be familiar with customary expressions.


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1 李彬;中印工程师关于《汽车声音发生器功能规范》交流口译实践报告[D];河北大学;2017年




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