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发布时间:2018-09-11 19:00
【摘要】:传统英语教学以教师主导以及单学科教学为特色,这种教学模式造成了知识的碎片化,削弱了学生的学习动机。此外,大多数中学英语课本围绕话题而非主题组织教学内容,并且话题与话题间的相关性不强,进一步割断了知识间的内在联系,造成学生知识学习缺乏深度,学习的片面化。填鸭式教学已经成为大多数中学英语课堂中的常态。根据高中英语新课标(2011),教学应更加注重学生个性化的培养。当今社会更是需要学生具备开创性思维以及打破学科界限分析处理问题的能力。显然,传统教学不符合新课标的要求更是无法满足学生以及社会的发展需求。主题教学源于20世纪,强调学生为中心,注重知识间的联系。此外,主题教学中涵盖的知识和活动围绕学生的现实生活和实际经验,强调小组间的分工与合作培养学生的能动性。雅各布维茨(1970)曾对影响外语学习的因素做过一项调查,研究表示动机在影响外语学习的因素中占33%。以往许多研究指出主题教学能有效的提高学生的学业成绩,课堂参与度以及合作交流能力但有关主题教学与学生学习动机方面的研究较少。本文通过在高中英语课堂中实施主题教学探究主题教学与学生学习动机之间的关系。通过本次实验拟解决以下三个问题:(1)主题教学是否对学生外语学习的内部和外部动机产生影响?(2)学生对主题教学包括教学内容,教学方法,教学活动,评价方式满意度如何?(3)主题教学如何影响学生外语学习的内部和外部动机?参与本次实验的学生是来自于武大附中高一两个平行班。实验过程中,实验班的学生接受主题教学而对对比班的学生接受传统教学。实验时间为2016.9.20到2016.12.20持续三个月。实验工具主要有问卷和调查。实验后将用SPSS 21.0对实验数据进行以下两方面的比较分析。(1)与实验前相比,实验班和对比班在试验后学习动机方面是否产生差异?(2)通过了解学生接受主题教学前后对包括教学内容,教学方法,教学活动以及教学评价的满意度,研究主题教学如何影响学生外语的学习动机实验后得出以下结论:(1)实验后学生英语学习的内部动机尤其是自我效能感显著增强。主题教学对学生的外部动机的影响不是十分显著,但学生在某些方面的动机如学习英语是为了在考试中取得高分有所减弱。(2)实验后大多数学生对主题教学模式非常满意。其中,学生对于主题教学活动以及评价方式满意度较高。(3)主题教学中真实的语言学习环境、跨学科的知识整合、学生主体性的发挥以及多元评价方式是提升外语学习动机最主要的因素。尽管实验存在着许多不足,但本次研究旨在丰富当前对于主题教学等方面的研究,为教师尤其是高中英语教师在实行主题教学提供一些方法上的指导和意见。
[Abstract]:Traditional English teaching is characterized by teacher-led and single-subject teaching, which results in fragmentation of knowledge and weakens students' motivation to learn. In addition, most middle school English textbooks organize the teaching content around topics rather than themes, and the correlation between topics and topics is not strong, which further cuts off the internal relationship between knowledge, resulting in the lack of depth of knowledge learning and one-sided learning. Spoon-feeding teaching has become the norm in most middle school English classes. According to the new high school English curriculum (2011), the teaching should pay more attention to the cultivation of students'individuation. In today's society, it is necessary for students to have the ability of pioneering thinking and breaking the boundaries of disciplines to analyze and deal with problems. Obviously, the traditional teaching does not meet the requirements of the new curriculum, and can not meet the needs of students and social development. The theme teaching originated in the 20 th century, emphasizing students as the center and paying attention to the relationship between knowledge. In addition, the knowledge and activities covered in thematic teaching focus on students' real life and practical experience, and emphasize the division of labor and cooperation among groups to cultivate students' initiative. Jacob Weitz (1970) conducted a survey on the factors affecting foreign language learning and found that motivation accounted for 33 of the factors affecting foreign language learning. Many previous studies have pointed out that subject teaching can effectively improve students' academic achievement, classroom participation and cooperative communication ability, but there is little research on topic teaching and students' learning motivation. This paper explores the relationship between themed teaching and students' learning motivation through the implementation of themed teaching in senior high school English classes. Through this experiment, we will solve the following three problems: (1) does topic teaching have an impact on the internal and external motivation of students' foreign language learning? (2) students' teaching of theme includes teaching content, teaching methods, teaching activities, etc. What is the satisfaction of the evaluation style? (3) how does topic teaching affect the internal and external motivation of students' foreign language learning? The students in this experiment are from two parallel classes of the first High School attached to WUU. In the course of the experiment, the students in the experimental class accept the theme teaching while the students in the contrast class receive the traditional teaching. The experiment lasted for three months from September 20, 2016 to December 20, 2016. The main experimental tools are questionnaires and surveys. After the experiment, the experimental data will be compared and analyzed with SPSS 21.0. (1) compared with the pre-experiment, Are there any differences between the experimental class and the contrast class in terms of learning motivation after the experiment? (2) through understanding the students' satisfaction with teaching content, teaching methods, teaching activities and teaching evaluation before and after subject teaching, The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the internal motivation of students' English learning, especially their sense of self-efficacy, is significantly enhanced after the experiment. The influence of topic teaching on students' external motivation is not very significant, but students' motivation in some aspects, such as learning English, is weakened in order to get a high score in the examination. (2) after the experiment, most students are very satisfied with the theme teaching mode. Among them, the students are satisfied with the subject teaching activities and evaluation methods. (3) the real language learning environment, the interdisciplinary knowledge integration, The exertion of students' subjectivity and multiple evaluation methods are the most important factors to improve the motivation of foreign language learning. Although there are many deficiencies in the experiment, the purpose of this study is to enrich the current research on subject teaching and to provide some guidance and advice for teachers, especially senior English teachers, in implementing themed teaching.


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