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发布时间:2018-09-12 13:58
[Abstract]:Idioms are fixed phrases or sentences that have been used for a long time by the same cultural group and idioms are the essence of language. There are a lot of idioms in English language, which not only provide inexhaustible themes for western literature, but also inject fresh blood into everyday expressions. English idioms contain a large number of idioms related to animals, the main reason is that animals and humans live together on the earth, in the long process of contact and interaction, human beings according to the shape and habits of animals to produce rich associations, The characteristics of animals are not consciously associated with the attributes of human beings to express all kinds of emotions and achieve vivid, concise and far-reaching purposes. Up to now, English idioms have been widely concerned by scholars both at home and abroad. However, most of the scholars mainly study English idioms from the perspective of traditional linguistics. The research is limited to lexical, grammatical, rhetorical effects and translation, and has achieved fruitful results. With the introduction and rapid development of cognitive linguistics, some scholars try to use conceptual metaphor theory to study English idioms, although these studies have a certain explanatory power for the understanding of English idioms. However, Conceptual metaphor Theory analyzes idioms as a fixed conceptual relationship, which can not reflect the real-time online process of English idioms in the process of meaning construction. Therefore, this thesis attempts to use conceptual integration theory to discuss the process of meaning online construction and understanding of English idioms in detail. In 1997, Fu Kenia formally proposed the theory of conceptual integration. Through input space, generic space, composite space, mapping, new structure and so on, this theory constructs the conceptual integration network model, and then explains the mechanism of meaning construction. In addition, conceptual integration network is also the core of the theory, mainly including four types of networks: simple network, mirror network, single domain network and dual domain network. Conceptual integration theory has been skillfully applied to the analysis and interpretation of language at all levels. However, so far, few people have applied this theory to the study of English animal idioms. This thesis takes conceptual integration theory as the theoretical framework, adopts the method of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, and makes a detailed analysis of metaphorical English animal idioms and metonymy animal idioms using the four network types of conceptual integration. Through analysis, the author finds that: first of all, metaphorical animal idioms are far more than metonymy animal idioms, and most of the collected idioms belong to mirror network and single domain network; In addition, from the perspective of the meaning construction of idioms, the construction process of idiom meaning is presented dynamically in the conceptual integration network, and the four types of conceptual integration networks can explain the understanding process of English animal idiom meaning reasonably. This study confirms that the conceptual integration theory has a powerful explanatory power to reveal the cognitive process behind English animal idioms, and also provides a new perspective for the study of animal idioms in the future.


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