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发布时间:2018-09-16 20:23
[Abstract]:From the perspective of English teaching activities at various stages in China, most of the students still teach English for the purpose of examinations. Under this kind of teaching mode, students will improve their English language knowledge and related skills, but their overall level of comprehensive language use ability, especially the cultivation of communicative ability, is not satisfactory. In view of the limitation of the domestic English teaching environment, a series of English teaching methods have been developed to improve students'comprehensive ability to use English. However, we have neglected the important role of mother tongue in foreign language learning. Learning has a negative effect, that is, the negative transfer of mother tongue, but in fact the quality of mother tongue directly affects the quality of foreign language learning, and even foreign language learning is very important. Interpretation is a kind of impromptu communicative activity, which puts forward higher requirements for listening, speaking, reading, writing, perception, memory and thinking. The demand for professional interpreters is becoming more and more intense. The training of interpreters is a process of training the comprehensive quality and ability of foreign languages. The training of interpreters has been paid more and more attention by scholars and teachers in English teaching. However, the application of interpreting training in English teaching is still not universal enough. The current interpreting training program is of certain reference value, and it is hoped that a new teaching model will be constructed to improve the students'comprehensive ability to use English through interpreting training so as to get rid of the absolute fetters of traditional cramming teaching. The second part is the main body of the study. It consists of three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical basis of the study. Secondly, from the perspectives of psycholinguistics, functional linguistics and cognitive linguistics, this paper expounds the study of interpretation teaching. Finally, it introduces the relevant theoretical basis and implementation of the application of interpretation training in English teaching. The enlightenment of English teaching consists of three aspects. The first part discusses the feasibility of applying interpreting training to English teaching from three perspectives: students'learning needs, the rules of foreign language learning and the goal of comprehensive education. The third part designs interpreting training in English teaching. The author introduces interpreting training modes and methods into English listening, speaking, reading, cultural training, network and multimedia teaching. Chapter three discusses the significance of interpreting training in English teaching and puts forward some feasible suggestions. The main contents include the problems to be solved in the application of interpreting training in English teaching, the prospects of interpreting training in English teaching and the suggestions on teachers, teaching methods and textbooks. The third part is the conclusion. This part mainly summarizes the application of interpreting training in English teaching and hopes that this paper will be of some guiding significance to the following experimental teaching research.


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