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发布时间:2018-09-16 20:37
[Abstract]:The Book of songs is the first of the five Classics of China, a thousand years of recitation, and also a favorite classic by British readers. In 1871, the full translation of the Book of songs of James Richards was published in England, which began the process of its classization in England. In the process of canonization of the Book of songs, the professionals and patrons who controlled the literary system provided favorable internal and external conditions for the translation and dissemination of the Book of songs in England, which together contributed to the canonization of the Book of songs in England. As a professional, the translation of the Book of songs in different periods is the premise of the dissemination and acceptance of the Book of songs in England, and is one of the basic links and basic paths of the Canonization of the Book of songs in Britain. The positive comments on the original and the translated works by the critics who have the right to speak have played a catalytic role in the translation and dissemination of the Book of songs in England and have become the guide of public opinion for the canonization of the Book of songs. The publisher, as the representative of the patron, has become an important channel for the canonization of the Book of songs by constantly publishing different versions of the Book of songs. The sponsor promotes the students' reading and understanding of the Book of songs with the help of the teaching and curriculum arrangement of the Book of songs by teachers in educational institutions, and is a fast channel for the canonization of the Book of songs.
【作者单位】: 上海电子信息职业技术学院;复旦大学;


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