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功能文体学视角下Evolution and Ethics中译本对比研究

发布时间:2018-09-17 11:22
【摘要】:科技著作是一种重要的应用文体,在频繁的中西文化交流中起到关键的载体作用。Evolution and Ethics是一部为达尔文进化论广泛传播扫清道路的伟大作品,是科技典籍的代表,其思想对中国社会影响深远。这一作品的两中译本《进化论与伦理学》和《天演论》风格迥异,文体差异明显,产生影响差别较大。其中《天演论》以其极具影响力的身份吸引了学界的关注,相关研究成果丰硕,但多以翻译理论或其他领域视角。对于《进化论与伦理学》则关注度不够,即使在两译本对比研究中,也被视为庶出,其根正苗红的出身湮没在《天演论》研究一边倒的趋势当中。两译本的文体内部语言功能也未予以应有的关注,亦无相关对比分析。依据“文体产生于语言使用”的功能文体学基本理念,本文尝试从功能文体学角度出发,依托三大元语言功能,结合语言分析的多层次理论、语境理论和语类结构理论,比较分析Evolution and Ethics中译本的功能发挥,突出的语言形式及前景化。研究主要从语义结构和词汇语法层面展开。在语义结构层面,比较分析首先从文化语境和情景语境进行,对比二者的语类结构差异,并从信息单位和衔接对译文的语篇功能做对比分析。在词汇语法层面对译文词汇语法做总结分析,对其概念意义和人际意义的实现以及突出方式进行对比。此研究旨在探讨译本的特殊结构及语言形式如何突出并且形成截然不同的文体特征,以及其背后的原因。本论文由六章组成。第一章介绍研究的背景,说明研究问题,介绍研究意义和论文框架。第二章是文献综述,分类归纳Evolution and Ethics中译本《天演论》及《进化论与伦理学》的翻译研究现状,指出现有研究存在问题。第三章为理论基础,基于系统功能语法,介绍了功能文体学研究的基本理论,并介绍了功能文体学主要的研究方法及本文选取的研究方法。第四章与第五章为主体部分,分别从文本的语义结构和词汇语法层面对语言的文本功能,概念功能及人际功能进行分析。对比分析二者突出的语义结构和语言形式,及其是否前景化对文章的文体做出贡献。第六章是结论部分。研究发现,两译本的文体特征差别在语言的意义结构层面和词汇语法层面有更为细致的体现,其取决于语言的运用,而语言的运用最终由译者的翻译目的决定。此外也指出此研究的不足之处并提出对未来研究的建议。
[Abstract]:Evolution and Ethics is a great work that clears the way for Darwin's theory of evolution to be widely disseminated. It is the representative of the classics of science and technology. Its thought has a far-reaching influence on Chinese society. The style of Neo-Confucianism and Tian Yan Lun are quite different, and the style of Tian Yan Lun is obviously different, which has a great influence on the Chinese translation. According to the basic idea of functional stylistics, this paper tries to start from the perspective of functional stylistics. Relying on the three meta-linguistic functions and combining with the multi-level theory of linguistic analysis, contextual theory and genre structure theory, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the functions of the Chinese versions of Evolution and Ethics, highlighting the linguistic forms and foregrounding. This paper compares the differences of genre structure between context and situational context, and makes a contrastive analysis of the textual functions of the target text from the aspects of information units and cohesion. This paper consists of six chapters. Chapter one introduces the background of the study, explains the research issues, introduces the significance and framework of the study. Chapter two is a literature review, which categorizes and summarizes the translation of Evolution and Ethics Chapter Three is the theoretical basis. Based on Systemic Functional Grammar, the basic theories of functional stylistics are introduced. The main research methods of functional stylistics and the research methods selected in this paper are also introduced. Chapter Four and Chapter Five are the main parts, respectively, from the semantic knot of the text. This paper analyzes the textual, conceptual and interpersonal functions of the two languages at the level of construction and lexico-grammar. It compares and analyzes the prominent semantic structures and linguistic forms of the two languages, and whether they are foregrounded to contribute to the style of the text. Chapter 6 is the conclusion. The study finds that the differences of stylistic features between the two versions lie in the meaning structure of the language and the foregro The lexico-grammatical level is more detailed, which depends on the use of the language, and the use of the language is ultimately determined by the translator's translation purpose.


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