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发布时间:2018-09-17 13:48
[Abstract]:With the advancement of science and technology and globalization, English is becoming more and more important in life. The whole society also has higher and higher requirements for English teaching. As a preschool teacher, it is necessary to have a certain level of English. Although kindergarten does not have to teach young children English knowledge, but children have contact with English, for their future study has great benefits. In such a form, it is very important for young students to learn English. Especially in minority areas, such as in our school's Mongolian kindergarten teachers, English weariness is widespread. How to make these students tired of learning to transform, this is the current ethnic education in the practical problems. The author aims to find out more and more English teaching methods suitable for Mongolian students through investigation and research combined with teaching practice so as to help improve national education in an all-round way. The present situation of Mongolian kindergarten teachers' English weariness in our school is investigated by means of questionnaire and interview. The results are as follows: first, boys are more tired of learning than girls; second, students of grade two are more tired of learning than those of grade one and grade three; Third, students from urban areas are more tired of learning than students from rural areas. Through the analysis of the reasons of interview, it is concluded that there are two main reasons for students' weariness of learning: (1) students lack correct guidance of values, students' basic English is relatively poor; (2) the teacher's teaching concept is backward, the teaching method is single, and the relationship between teachers and students is not harmonious. Based on the analysis of the present situation and the reasons mentioned above, the author draws up the design of teaching practice by using the principle of pedagogy psychology and combining with his teaching experience for many years. The design of teaching practice includes: (1) the design of learning motivation; (2) the design of consolidation of basic knowledge; (3) the design of guiding correct learning methods; (4) the improvement of the design of teachers' educational concepts; (5) the design of establishing a good teacher-student relationship; (6) the design of a good teacher-student relationship; Improve the design of teaching methods. In the course of practice, the author selected two parallel classes, took the first grade of kindergarten teachers as the experimental class and the second class as the control class, and carried out the teaching experiment for one semester for a total of four months. The results of pre-test and post-test statistics show that the teaching practice has a remarkable effect on the transformation of kindergarten students' English weariness.


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