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发布时间:2018-10-10 09:42
[Abstract]:Observation and evaluation of classroom teaching is an important way to improve teaching quality and promote teachers' professional development. However, throughout the research on the evaluation of English classroom teaching in junior high school, there are not a few discussions about the evaluation of classroom teaching, but most of them remain in the two evaluation ways of nature description and subjective impression. The evaluation research through data statistics and integration is relatively few. The qualitative evaluation of classroom teaching can make it convenient and effective for teachers to obtain the overall evaluation tendency of the evaluators, but it is difficult for the teaching teachers to obtain clear teaching instructions from vague statements. The classroom observation and evaluation method based on data statistics and analysis can effectively compensate for this weakness. Based on the above goal, this paper mainly starts with the present situation and existing problems of English classroom teaching in junior high school, and evaluates the teaching behavior of English teaching teachers by means of classroom observation. To demonstrate the importance of classroom observation to improve teaching quality. There are six parts in the thesis. The first part mainly discusses the problems existing in the evaluation of English classroom teaching in junior high school, and combs the research results of classroom observation at home and abroad, the second part introduces the methods and procedures of classroom observation. The third part forms the classroom observation scale suitable for the research object of this paper by drawing lessons from the design and analysis of the classroom observation scale made by domestic and foreign researchers; the fourth part selects and determines the classroom observation object. The three teachers identified in this paper are observed and evaluated in junior middle school English classroom teaching, and the relevant data are statistically analyzed in the observation scale designed. The fifth part is based on the results of data statistics and analysis. The sixth part discusses the problems and shortcomings of this thesis and the possible improvement. This paper mainly uses the methods of observation, action research, investigation and observation to prove that classroom observation plays an important role in improving teaching quality. Through the methods and tools of the classroom observation system to collect and analyze the classroom data, we find the defects of the teachers in the teaching process and carry on the corresponding improvement, and finally realize the improvement of the teaching level.


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