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发布时间:2018-10-10 12:01
【摘要】:随着科技的发展,人们使用幻灯片辅助演讲的频率越来越高。无论是商务会议、教师授课、学生展示,通过播放幻灯片与演讲结合,能使信息的传达更加准确、便利。而同声传译要求译员必须把听、分析、记忆以及表达协调起来(Gile 1995;161),才能最终完成任务,这种高速、专业性强以及信息量大的翻译任务在有幻灯片的情况下可能辅助译员进行翻译工作,也可能增添译员的大脑负荷,成为一种障碍。本文参考了 Daniel Gile的"认知负荷模型"、"图示理论"、以及前人对带幻灯片同传所进行的研究工作,以《可再生能源——绿动未来的能源之选》课堂做实证分析。通过定量分析发现,带幻灯片同传能够使具体内容翻译的更准确,而不带幻灯片却能够使整体翻译更加完整;而通过定量分析笔者也发现,带幻灯片同传还受具体幻灯片的排版、内容影响。通过定性分析,验证不同幻灯片照成差异的原因。最后总结分析结果,针对如何最大化幻灯片的辅助功能提出应对策略。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, people use slide-assisted speech more and more frequently. Whether it's a business meeting, a teacher lecture, a student presentation, and a combination of slides and speeches, it can make the message more accurate and convenient. Simultaneous interpretation requires an interpreter to harmonize listening, analysis, memory and expression (Gile 1995 / 161) in order to finally complete the task. The professional and informative translation task may assist the interpreter in the translation work under the condition of slide, and may also increase the interpreter's brain load and become a kind of obstacle. This paper refers to Daniel Gile's "Cognitive load Model", "Diagram Theory" and previous research work on simultaneous interpretation with slides, and makes an empirical analysis on "Renewable Energy-the Choice of Future Energy of Green Action". Through quantitative analysis, it is found that simultaneous interpretation with slides can make the translation of specific content more accurate, while without slides, it can make the whole translation more complete. Simultaneous interpretation with slides is also affected by the typesetting and content of specific slides. Through qualitative analysis, the reasons why different slides are different are verified. Finally, the analysis results are summarized, and the corresponding strategies are put forward to maximize the auxiliary function of slides.


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2 闫爱花;;图示理论对译者的启示[J];郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版);2008年02期

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