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发布时间:2018-10-10 20:06
【摘要】:障碍儿童早期教育问题是学前教育工作者一直关注的课题。该文本为美国教育部和美国卫生与人类服务部2015年联合发布在美国教育部网站上的草案声明。我国欲发展儿童早期教育就要消除歧视障碍儿童的观念,就应采取积极有效的措施帮助障碍儿童接受无差别儿童早期教育。该声明是信息型文本,此类文本以信息传递为主要内容。其特点是信息量大,实用性强,强调传递客观事实,重内容而非形式。其目的是帮助人们增进对某一领域的了解。障碍儿童早期全纳教育的文本翻译具有重要意义,可以促进国家之间针对障碍儿童教育问题的交流和发展,尤其中国在障碍儿童参与全纳教育方面处于较低的水平。基于信息文本客观性原则,译者应该认识到信息型文本的目的在于传递信息而不是掺杂译者个人情感,为了实现这个目标,译者应当准确地翻译信息文本中经常出现的专业术语和相关缩略词。针对英语句式结构的特点,采用重组法,拆译法不仅避免译文的冗余,而且确保译文符合读者的阅读习惯。本翻译实践报告以Draft Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs英译汉翻译为例从草案声明文本特征出发,以纽马克文本功能理论为指导,分析草案声明类翻译文本中出现的词汇层面、长句层面及语篇层面出现的问题。以及如何运用翻译技巧和方法去解决问题,探讨了英文草案声明的翻译策略。
[Abstract]:The problem of early education of handicapped children is always concerned by preschool education workers. The text is a draft statement released by the Department of Education and the United States Department of Health and Human Services on the Department of Education website in 2015. In order to develop early childhood education in China, we should take active and effective measures to help children with no discrimination in early education. The declaration is informational text, which is mainly about information transmission. It is characterized by large amount of information, strong practicability, emphasis on transmitting objective facts and emphasis on content rather than form. The aim is to help people improve their understanding of a certain field. The text translation of inclusive education for children with disabilities is of great significance, which can promote the communication and development of education for children with disabilities, especially in China, where the participation of children with disabilities in inclusive education is at a low level. Based on the objective principle of information text, the translator should realize that the purpose of information text is to convey information rather than adulterate the translator's personal feelings, in order to achieve this goal. Translators should accurately translate technical terms and relevant acronyms that often appear in information texts. According to the characteristics of English sentence structure, the recombination method is used to avoid the redundancy of the translation, and to ensure that the translation conforms to the readers' reading habits. Based on the features of the draft declaration text and guided by Newmark's text function theory, this translation practice report analyzes the lexical level of the draft declarative translation based on the example of Draft Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs C-E translation. The problems in long sentence level and discourse level. And how to use translation techniques and methods to solve the problem, and discuss the translation strategies of English draft statement.


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