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发布时间:2018-10-12 11:05
【摘要】:课堂同传口译练习是同学们学习掌握同传技巧知识、把握同传翻译战略的重要途径。如何分析同学们的课堂口译表现,总结较为常见的理解表达问题,提高翻译质量是口译课堂中重要的组成部分。本文选取北外高翻学院一次普通的英汉口译教学,以"理解、表达、应急" 口译分析框架为基础,结合功能代偿理论和关联理论,对课上练习口译录音进行分析,旨在全面归纳分析同学们在理解、表达、应急出现的错误,针对每处失误,探讨原因与改进方法。本文目的在于帮助老师整理完善教学材料,发现课堂中未涉及的问题,为之后的教学做参考。论文结论指出同学们的理解表达问题可以通过长期与短期途径解决,并指出口译老师在解决方案中的重要作用。该解决方案的理论基础来自于口译分析框架和关联理论,虽然同学们熟悉相关理论,却在实践中意识不足,缺少运用。因此解决方案的成功达到目的需要译者注意理论与实践相结合,专业理论知识与口译背景知识相结合。
[Abstract]:Classroom simultaneous interpretation is an important way for students to master simultaneous interpretation skills and strategies. How to analyze the students' interpretation performance, summarize the common problems of understanding and expression, and improve the quality of translation is an important part of the interpretation class. In this paper, a general English-Chinese interpretation teaching in Bei Ougao College is selected. Based on the interpretation analysis framework of "understanding, expressing and Emergency", this paper analyzes the recording of interpreting practice in class by combining functional compensation theory and relevance theory. The purpose of this paper is to sum up and analyze the mistakes made by students in understanding, expressing and emergency, and to discuss the causes and improvement methods for each mistake. The purpose of this paper is to help teachers arrange and perfect teaching materials, find out the problems not involved in class, and make reference for later teaching. The conclusion points out that the students' understanding and expression problems can be solved by both long-term and short-term approaches, and points out the important role of interpretation teachers in the solution. The theoretical basis of the solution comes from interpretation analysis framework and relevance theory. Although students are familiar with relevant theories, they lack awareness and application in practice. Therefore, the success of the solution requires the translator to pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, professional theoretical knowledge and background knowledge of interpretation.


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